Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday 1.Learn the basics about Ancient Athens and Sparta 2. Take notes in class that will be useful for your writing prompt!


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Presentation transcript:

SWBAT compare and contrast the lives of individuals in Athens and Sparta.

Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday 1.Learn the basics about Ancient Athens and Sparta 2. Take notes in class that will be useful for your writing prompt! 1. Finish any notes from today we did not finish 2. How to become better writers (IN SOCIAL STUDIES!) – ORGANIZTION & creating our theisis statements! 3.Begin working on your outline (rough draft) Extra Credit HW: work on your rough draft, if you bring it complete to use for your prompt Monday you will receive extra credit! Documentary on Ancient Sparta (can be a source for your writing prompt!) Begin your rough draft  1. Athens vs. Sparta Compare & Contrast graded writing prompt!

Calisthenics Take out the SAME sheet of paper from Monday and Tuesday Please write down the questions: What are the similarities and differences between a direct and indirect democracy? (3-4 sentences) What type of government do we use today in the United States? *Hint! Use your notes for help!*

Athens and Sparta Mixer EXPECTATIONS Do not push anyone while you are walking through the rows to meet people. The stop light is on yellow, which means lightly talking If someone comes up to you and introduces themselves do not ignore them or just tell them to read your sheet! It’s your job to introduce yourself! Do not just run around asking “Who’s a soldier, who’s a soldier? Take time to let the person formally read their paper to you and introduce themselves.

Athens and Sparta Mixer Read your assigned character and try to memorize some facts about yourself. (2 minutes) Introduce yourself to people (with your NEW Greek identity). Learn about the people you meet and write down the names of the students that you meet whose role fits their description. Circle which city-state they come from. Try to fill your whole sheet with correct names within 5 minutes.

Athens and Sparta Athens and Sparta were two large Greek city-states. Both Athens and Sparta became large and powerful because they were centers of trade. The “agora” was an open space used for business and public activities. Trade once bustled in this agora in Athens. All that is left today are ruins.


What type of government did Athens have? The Council of Five Hundred was made up of 500 men, 50 men from each of the 10 tribes. Any citizen over the age of 30 was qualified to be a member. Each tribe chose the men by lot, or at random, to serve for a term of one year. Members could be reelected only once. The yearly turnover allowed for a greater number of Athenian citizens to participate in their government at a high level. Laws were passed by a majority vote in the assembly. Based on your knowledge from yesterday, what government does this sound like to you?

Athenian Government The first direct democracy was developed in Athens. Citizens worked together to make laws and policies. Women and slaves were not considered citizens, so they did not have the right to vote. The importance of government… Why is democracy important to us today?

What type of government did Sparta have? The city-state Sparta in Ancient Greece had a 30 member senate. It also had an assembly in which all males could be members. However, the actual rulers were a group of five landowners known as the ephorate. Two kings ruled above the ephorate, but the ephors could fire the kings if they were not living up to their promises. Based on your knowledge from yesterday what kind of government is this?

Spartan Government Sparta was first ruled by an oligarchy mixed with a democracy.    The city-state Sparta in Ancient Greece had a 30 member senate. It also had an assembly in which all males could be members. However, the actual rulers were a group of five landowners known as the ephorate. Two kings ruled above the ephorate, but the ephors could fire the kings if they were not living up to their promises. What makes this an oligarchy? What makes this a democracy? Ephors

Values: What’s important?

Athenian Values Athenians valued government, education, and the arts. Sculpture of Athena Columns, where have you seen those in your lives today? School of Athens, by Raphael Sanzio, 1510-1511 Academy of Athens

What are the “benefits” of valuing education?

Spartan Values Spartans valued military, war, and physical strength. WHY? Sparta needed a strong army to stop their slaves from rebelling.  

Children’s Lifestyles

Children in Athens Athenian boys went to school to become better citizens and participate in the democracy. Athenian girls learned how to care for the household from their mothers.

Children in Sparta Spartan boys joined the army at age 7, and remained in the army until age 60.  Spartan girls were also trained in activities that built physical strength.

Check for Understanding What were two of the largest city-states in Ancient Greece? Why did Sparta and Athens become so large? What type of government did Athens develop? What type of government did Sparta have? What did Athenians value? What did Spartans value?

Power Conference Take 1 minute and tell your partner the following: 1. Which city-state would you rather live in? 2. Give two reasons WHY that city state is better than the other

Create a flag Practice (5 minutes): Create a flag for Sparta and Athens. On your flag, show what type of government each city-state had, what they valued, and how they lived their lives. 60 seconds: Tell your partner what you will draw for the Athenian flag. 60 seconds: Tell your partner what you will draw for the Spartan flag.

Reading Comprehension/Independent Practice This is independent practice Read the passages about Athens and Sparta and answer the questions below. When you finish move onto the practice Document Based Question This will all help you for your compare and contrast Athens vs. Sparta writing prompt on Monday!!

DBQ Remember the steps… 1. Read the question 2. Read the document (with the question in mind), underlining any key words or phrases 3. Answer the question in a full complete sentence!