Welcome to the How to Talk to Animals, The Complete System: Advanced Topics Home Study Course Bonus Class
Welcome!Welcome! Opening Meditation
Blueprint for Successful Conversations with Animals™ Learn the secrets to enjoying a successful and rewarding conversation with animals You’ll know when you are sabotaging or blocking your communication, and will know how to ask the right question at the right time to get results more quickly and easily You’ll also gain more confidence in good conversational skills (helpful with humans too!). The (HE)ART of the Conversation Blueprint will put you way ahead of the rest of the pack and will take your conversations with animals deeper, faster Every student gets stuck at some point in their conversation. I don’t want you to ever get stuck again, feel frustrated or stranded not knowing what to do next.
The Role of Imagination Imagination is critical to your success in communicating with animals, because if you can’t imagine receiving communication impressions from an animal, you won’t be able to… not because it’s not possible, but because you’ve blocked yourself from recognizing and what you do receive.
The Four Main Steps Now let’s review the Four Main Steps to becoming a great 'conversationalist', with people and with animals. The First Step is to always Pause before replying.
2 nd Step The Second Step is to remember to KEEP Asking Them Questions! “How do you mean by that, exactly?” “How was that for you?” “What happened next?” “How did that make you feel?” “If you don’t want to talk about this, or answer this question, then what would you like to talk about? What’s important to you?”
Starter Words Make wise use of the Right Starter Words when Asking Questions. Most questions start with the words: What Why How When Who Where
3 rd Step The Third Step is to Paraphrase the speakers words so you can be sure you understood what they are actually trying to say and so that you don’t miss anything. Ask questions such as: How do you feel about that? What makes you think so? When did that happen? Did anything else happen? Who else was there? What else can you tell me about that? Where do you feel that in your body? How does that make you feel? What was confusing to you, or what did you decide from that experience?
4 th Step The Fourth Step is to Demonstrate Attentiveness. Paying genuine attention, making every effort to understand their thoughts or feelings helps you practice effective listening.
Listening… Listening builds trust. The more you listen to others, the more they trust you and believe in you. It also builds self esteem. When you listen attentively to someone else, their self- esteem naturally increases - and guess what? Yours does too. Listening builds self-discipline in you, the Listener.
Improving Your Skills… What conversational issues have you noticed or observed about yourself? Where might you improve as you start developing better skills?
The He(Art) of Conversation™ - With Animals! Managing the Conversation
The He(Art) of Conversation™ - With Animals! 1)Ground, center and be fully present. 2)Create a Sacred Space. 3)Start by Connecting and Focusing With the Clear Intention to Communicate 4)Next, feel and acknowledge their energy, their personality, their essence as a being. 5)Introduce yourself and ask them if it’s okay that you speak with them. 6)Start with simple questions using the right starter words depending on what you want to discuss or what problem/issue you want to chat about.
Bottom Line… Remember the 6 Tips. It’s a great checklist, be sure to refer to it as well. Truth is Relative. Connect with your heart and do the Lean In/Out while you do a series of true false questions. Let them feel the truth in their own body/mind. Do it with each other. See if you can tell when someone is lying to you, or when they’re telling you their truth as they know it. The KEY is to stay in the conversation, and be flexible and willing to be guided by whatever the animal shares with you. STAY in the observer, neutral stance and ask for help when you need it. Never take what you receive personally even if they tell you to go away or that they don’t want to talk about something. If that happens, ask them why they feel that way and hold the space with love and compassion and respect. Stay engaged. Work with what they DO give you. (repeat)
Group Communication Exercise
Assignment Practice with a fellow student – Have a conversation with one other student. Choose who is the ‘animal’ and who is the ‘communicator’.
Preview: Saturday, in Class 1: Improve Your Accuracy, Skills & Confidence Class 2: Healing, Training and Performance Sunday, in Class 3: Fulfilling Animal’s Fundamental Needs Class 4: Coping with Loss and Reconnecting in the Afterlife Next Saturday, in Class 5: Q&A Coaching Class Then for our Diamond Plus Students, you’ll get to practice for a month, then come back for a final Q&A Class on Nov 3 rd.
Golden Nugget What is your Golden Nugget?
Quote "Make it up as you go along. Hey, when you are trying to stay creative, too many rules can drive you loopy. Improvise. Let loose. Allow your mind to soar, your heart to leap, and your imagination to do backflips. Because, after all, you can't amaze the world until you first surprise yourself." (from Before You Leap by Kermit the Frog)