Spread the word about OPIE! Optimist International Leadership Development Committee Presents …
Spread the word about OPIE! Who is this OPIE person???
Spread the word about OPIE! Now, for the first time at the famous House of Optimism …. Now Appearing!
Spread the word about OPIE! OPIE !!! Hi Optimists!
Spread the word about OPIE! Who??? (Optimist Professional Information and Education) OPIE !!!
Spread the word about OPIE! Why I’m here I’m here in St. Louis to get acquainted and let you know how I can help you in the future!
Spread the word about OPIE! So OPIE, what do you do???
Spread the word about OPIE! Behind the Scenes Our OI Leadership Development Committee has been working on O ptimist P rofessional I nformation and E ducational materials you can use….
Spread the word about OPIE! Web Site … and I’m going to be promoting our new web site when it’s done: optimistleaders.org
Spread the word about OPIE! OPIE, will you be able to answer questions?
Spread the word about OPIE! Ask OPIE! Yes! That’s the plan!! Do you need training materials? Need to ask a question? Ask OPIE !!!
Spread the word about OPIE! Introduce yourself to me at the House of Optimism. See you soon!! Come Meet OPIE!