September1999 October 1999 Publicity: Networking, CVs, and Websites Marie desJardins CMSC 601 March 26, 2012
September1999 October /26/12 2 Sources u Robert L. Peters, Getting What You Came For: The Smart Student’s Guide to Earning a Master’s or Ph.D. (Revised Edition). NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, u Francine Berman, “Building a research career.” CRA-W Career Mentoring Workshops. u Susan Eggers, “Networking & Professional Social Interaction,” CRA-W Career Mentoring Workshop slides.
September1999 October 1999 Networking
September1999 October /26/12 4 If you knew two people...
September1999 October /26/ and they knew two people....
September1999 October /26/ and so on...
September1999 October /26/ and so on...
September1999 October /26/ and so on!
September1999 October /26/12 9 Why Network? u Get ideas for research u Get feedback for research u Get jobs someday u Get papers accepted u Become known in your field!
September1999 October /26/12 10 How to Network? u Publish! u Give talks u Meet people Make opportunities to meet people u Be useful u Get involved u Use your connections u Follow up u Ask for help
September1999 October /26/12 11 When to Network? u Ask questions in the discussion session of talks u Approach speakers after talks u Sign up to meet visitors to the department u Join lunch/dinner groups at conferences u Get people (especially your advisor!) to introduce you u NOT: Hang out with other UMBC graduate students ...unless they’re helping you network!
September1999 October /26/12 12 “Purposeful Networking” u Going to a conference? Know who you want to meet Make sure you meet them! u Introduce yourself to other graduate students established researchers people who might have jobs
September1999 October /26/12 13 But What Should I Say? u Talk about your research Be prepared with a 30-second, 2-minute, and 5-minute spiel on your work u Ask about their research Everybody loves to talk about their research u Look for connections Both personal and professional
September1999 October 1999 Let’s Practice... u At the end of this talk, I’ll be asking you each to deliver a 30-second “pitch” about your research, so be prepared! 3/26/12 14
September1999 October 1999 CVs
September1999 October /26/12 16 CV vs. Resume u Academic focus u Long and very detailed u Highlights teaching and research experience u Publications are very important u Honors and awards, professional service, and professional affiliations are key u Professional focus u Short and concise u Highlights work experience and technical skills u Publications often aren’t mentioned u Work experience and responsibilities are more important
September1999 October /26/12 17 CV Contents u Full contact information, including phone number, , and URL u Educational history (explain any gaps!) u Title of dissertation, often with a brief description Thesis advisor and committee u Teaching experience u Other work experience u Professional memberships u Honors and awards u List of publications Reverse chronological order (most recent first) Full bibliographic citations, including all authors in order Often grouped by type (journal, conference, workshop, book chapter, other) u Other presentations u Professional service the department, university, and community
September1999 October /26/12 18 Not Usually Included u Personal data (marital status, birthdate,...) u Hobbies u Outside activities u Lots of details on job responsibilities u Technical skills (long listings of programming languages etc.) u Professional objective
September1999 October 1999 Websites
September1999 October /26/12 20 Key Elements u Your name and full contact information u Research interests u Publications (full bibliographic citations and online versions of the actual papers) u Links to relevant websites (your lab, your department, collaborators) u Your CV u Try to keep the personal stuff separable from the professional stuff
September1999 October /26/12 21 An Exercise for the Reader u Find three grad student websites you like u You need to have a professional website, and send me the link, by the end of the semester
September1999 October 1999 Here We Go! u Time for your “elevator pitches” (no more than 30 seconds) 3/26/12 22