Table for 2 Introduce yourself to someone in your table group you haven’t spoken with 1:1 Why did you want to be a part of this process? 2 mins
Table for 3 Introduce yourself to someone you haven’t met For your priority group, what’s the strongest aspect of the strategic planning work thus far? 3 mins
Table for 4 Introduce yourself to someone you haven’t met What is the most important improvement you would like to see in the work of this priority? 4 mins
Whole Priority Group Introduce yourself to someone you haven’t met What would success look like today? (30 secs per) 4 mins
Meeting Goals/Definition of Success Strengthen and Refine the Plan by working with experts to Address a key challenge question for your priority area Revisit your vision of success to ensure it balances both a pursuit of equity and excellence Select the 3-5 strategies that will have the most impact in the next 5 years (Optional)
How will we measure success? Resolution of Conceptual Challenge Focus on Equity Focus on Excellence
Meeting Values Curiosity Empathy Optimism
Getting Organized
Common Themes Equity Excellence Early Childhood
A Message from the Board Equity Excellence
The Relationship Between Equity and Excellence Excellence Equity
Equity and Excellence Equity Definition: The targeted implementation of strategies and resources in areas of greatest need to close gaps in educational opportunities and outcomes Approach: Focused &Targeted Strategies and Supports Excellence Definition: Raising the bar of expectations and success for ALL students in Rhode Island Approach: Scaling proven efforts and creating the conditions for exploring and innovating new efforts
Goal for Today To commit to ensuring BOTH are represented in the work of this plan
Challenge Questions: the biggest weakness plaguing each priority area Identified over the last five days through outreach to ~300 key stakeholders Privileges feedback from building administrators/superintendents If resolved, major step ahead for the design team and the planning process Your highest value-add to our process
Early Childhood Education: Give Every Child a Great Start Challenge Prologue Our engagement efforts have brought up two common issues that are both strategic and foundational to the early childhood priority. The first issue concerns the proposed age range (birth to third grade) covered in the prototype, questioning whether it should include birth to 3 and grades 1-3. The second issue seeks clarification about how RI’s “neediest” will be identified. Challenge Question 1: What is the highest impact age span for a public education early childhood focus? Challenge Question 2: What are the intended scope of services and eligibility guidelines?
Global Competency and Competitiveness: Preparing our Students for the Future Challenge Prologue Our engagement efforts have identified this priority as in need of clarification. Stakeholders expressed significant confusion about the unwieldy scope of this priority and question whether all the items belong together: (1) 21 st century skills, (2) social- emotional learning, (3) world and dual language programs, (4) cultural competency, and (5) English learner services. District and school leaders were clear: this one must be narrowed and sharpened. Challenge Question: What is this?
Small Group Time
Internalizing the Challenge Questions (1)Read your group’s challenge question (1 minute) (1)Share in your priority group, your initial reactions to question (5 mins)
Goal for Today To find a resolution to these challenge questions
Small Group Protocol
Lunch Time
Priority Group Pitches
The Priority Pitch (3 mins per priority group) Here’s how we tackled the conceptual problem Our Vision for this Priority The 3-5 strategies to realize this vision
How did we do? Not addressed Somewhat Addressed Mostly Addressed Completely Addressed Continuum of Progress
Housekeeping Break (5 min) How did we do? Ensure your thoughts are captured accurately on chart paper Brief break Circle up chairs in open space
Expert Fishbowl
Prompt (1.5 mins. per person) After the time you’ve spent embedded in our process and with our team, what final thoughts do you want to share to make this plan the best can be?
ADT Discussion
Modified Quaker Meeting Style Directions Speak on whatever “feels” right No need to build upon one another Be comfortable in silence Watch airtime – Max 1 min/person
Next Steps
Great Work!! Give to Strategic Planning Team for Clean-up and Wordsmithing TAKE NEXT WEEK OFF!!!!!
Group Equity and Excellence Examination & Brainstorm 1.Look across existing prototype for your priority 2.Identify strategies that include strong supports for equity and/or excellence 3.Use brainstorming sheet to identify strategies that include strong support for equity and excellence