Organizing a State Lobby Day
Start Early—Four Months Out Determine your lobbying date(s) Decide the form your advocacy will take Consider essential logistics Meeting room Hotel rooms Transportation and meals
Consider Your Delegation Chose those with experience Ensure there are constituents Strive for diversity
Build Your Delegation Approach past participants Work with your board Connect with leading congregations
Identify Your Issues Rely upon your allies Be flexible and have a backup Understand bill’s limitations
Determine the Legislative Targets Identify your supporters Focus on swing votes Build relationships with new members Research voting history
Make Appointments Start four weeks out Meetings with officeholder or staff Remember diversity Have a constituent Know your issues
Prepare Materials Assemble helpful information Be concise Explain your constituent status Information for delegates
Organize and Present Training Determine special speakers Volunteer needs
Consider Involving the Media Notify media of lobbying efforts Social media Follow-up
Advocacy and Education Introduce yourself Explain your organization Relate why you are involved Let them know you’re a constituent Discuss the legislation you are advocating
Know Your Audience Legislative offices are busy Keep it simple Provide succinct information Communicate impact on constituents
California Interfaith Power & Light is mobilizing congregations all over the state to lead the movement to protect our climate. 600 congregations have joined CIPL as of April With nearly 250,000 congregants in these communities of faith, this can make a big impression with our elected officials.
After Lobby Day Seek input from participants Update membership through newsletter Campaign to persuade the undecided Thank the legislators/staff Continue to stay in touch
Building Relationships Stay in touch with staff Provide answers to questions and/or information requested during meeting Provide information Use social media--LinkedIn District level contacts