Pushing Back Against Meth: A Progress Report on the Fight Against Methamphetamine in the United States* *Office of National Drug Control Policy (2006). Pushing Back Against Meth: A Progress Report on the Fight Against Methamphetamine in the United States.
MA laboratory incidents decreased by 70% after the State law was implemented Workplace drug testing results showed a 3.5% decrease in positive tests for amphetamine
MA laboratory incidents declined by 48% after the law was implemented Workplace drug testing results showed a 37.9% decrease in positive tests for amphetamine
MA laboratory incident seizures declined by approximately 22% after the State law went into effect Workplace drug testing results showed a 0.6% decrease in positive tests for amphetamine
MA laboratory incident seizures declined by 66% after the State’s precursor control law first went into effect; after the second cycle of the law went into effect, MA laboratory incident seizures declined by 85% (compared to the period when no law was in effect) Workplace drug testing results showed a 10.7% decrease in positive tests for amphetamine
MA laboratory incident seizures declined by 56% after the State’s MA precursor control law went into effect Workplace drug testing results showed a 1% increase in positive tests for amphetamine
MA laboratory incident seizures declined by 43% after the State implemented its MA precursor control law Workplace drug testing results showed a 25.5% decrease in positive tests for amphetamine
Only 4 MA laboratory incident seizures have been reported to DEA over the past few years; none of these occurred after the State law was implemented Workplace drug testing showed a 7.5% increase for amphetamine