Using WorldCat Collection Analysis For Retrospective Collection Building Joseph Thomas May 2006
Rationale: Purpose: To identify titles ECU does not own for purchase WorldCat Collection Analysis System (WCAS) allows comparison of holdings against a selected group of libraries WCAS can break down unique holdings for ECU or for the members of the peer group (including titles shared among institutions) For this demonstration, a peer group called English PhD Comparison was created.
Step 1 Log in to World Cat Collection Analysis Individual Library Analysis: (Obtain authorization and password from Joseph or Jan)
Step 2: Once you select the Collection Analysis tab, select your comparison group as “Data to Analyze”
Step 3: After selecting the Uniqueness tab, click the comparison group name to see the “Held by #”
Step 4: Click “Held by 5” to see totals by Division
Step 5: Select Division that correlates with subject area
Step 6: View totals by Category that correlate with specific area of study within discipline
Step 7: Next, select totals by Subject
Step 8: Click the number in the Uniqueness column to view titles held by the other schools, but not ECU.
Step 9: Select the titles of interest from the list for export.
Step 10: Export items as a tab-delimited file, which you can open in Excel.
Tip: On individual item record, “Vendor Info” indicates availability*
Question: How do you deal with large categories, like American Literature? Answer: Through further breakdowns….
Answer, Part 2: You can also limit the analysis…
Needs and Resources: Awareness of department: courses taught, research, program development, etc. Authorization code and password Online Support: port/default.htm port/default.htm Includes Conspectus map, FAQ’s, Quick Reference Sheet, and Documentation If Joseph or Jan can help, please ask!