4.42 Demonstrate the process for obtaining employment.
Five Steps for Success Cover letter Resume’ Portfolio Completed application Dress for success
Cover Letter and Resume’ Have a current cover letter and resume – Cover letter-introduces you and your goals (Booth p 417) – Resume’ – in reverse chronological order Uncluttered Personal information Education Work experience Volunteer experience Activities, skills Honors, awards, certificates Organizational memberships Absolutely NO ERRORS!
Portfolio Cover letter Resume Reference list w/ contact info Places worked – Address, phone, supervisor Volunteer experiences – Places – Evaluations Letters of reference Examples of work Awards, honors Memberships
Job Search Check classified ads in your local newspaper Go to the personnel office in your local hospital or healthcare facility Check online resources Tell everyone you know that you are looking for a job – Networking can be a successful strategy
Application If you are filling out an application at a job site, be sure you bring all important info with you. (dates, addresses, phone numbers, references, etc.) Tell the truth! Use blue or black ink: NO PENCILS Fill it out completely, no blanks Print It MUST be done neatly
Application Read the whole application before you begin Be prepared to respond to typical application questions Use “none” or N/A if the question does not apply to you Follow directions carefully
Job Interview – Before You Go Research! Learn as much as you can about the facility or company and the job Be sure you know the scheduled date, time, location, and name of your contact person
Appearance in Health Care Hospitals and long-term care facilities require – Tattoos be covered – Remove facial jewelry – 1 Pair of stud earrings OK – A watch with a second hand required (not for interview)
Dress to Impress Wear professional business attire Hair should be neat, clean and conservative Avoid wearing too much makeup, jewelry, or fragrance Use a good deodorant Do NOT smoke! Brush your teeth Turn off phone or don’t take it at all!
At the Interview Go alone! (No friends, siblings or parents) Arrive 10 minutes early. MAKE SURE you allow time for traffic, parking, etc. Greet the interviewer by name, introduce yourself, shake hands firmly, and smile Remain standing until the interviewer asks you to sit Sit up straight in the chair with both feet flat on the floor
At the Interview Use correct grammar, no slang Speak slowly and clearly Be polite Maintain eye contact – look at the interviewer’s nose if it makes you more comfortable Smile when appropriate, but avoid laughing, giggling, or making jokes Avoid nervous habits, do NOT fidget, tap
At the Interview Listen to the interviewer carefully so you can answer what he/she is asking Do not interrupt Do not chew gum or eat during the interview Cell phone turned off and out of sight Show mature passion and enthusiasm Be proud of yourself, but also show a willingness to learn and contribute to the company/facility
Responding to Questions Do NOT discuss your personal problems Do NOT criticize former employers Answer questions truthfully Avoid the repeated use of “um”, “you know”, “like”, “and a”, “and yeah” etc. Use complete sentences and good grammar Do not ask about salary, vacations, and benefits until you are offered the job
Questions to Expect Tell me about yourself. (This is often an ice-breaker question. Keep the answer job or skill related.) Why do you want to work here? (This is your chance to tell what you know from the research you completed ahead of time.) What is a weakness of yours? (Always make this a positive answer. For example, "My spelling is not always perfect, so I always use a spell check.“ Or “Sometimes I tend to over analyze a situation.” Or “I don’t like being late to work so I always arrive 15 minutes early.”) What is your greatest strength? (Describe your skills in a way that will show you as a desirable employee. E.G. “…a willingness to learn new things, or a team player, or great computer skills, etc.)
Questions to Expect Why did you leave your last job? ( Answer with a positive statement. Try not to say: "I was fired," "terminated," "quit,“ “was bored” or "couldn't get along with coworkers or supervisor". However, you can say: "new job,“ "seasonal," "temporary,“ or "returned to school.") Why should we hire you? (Make a positive statement, such as "I would like the opportunity to work with you and believe that I can do the job well.") Do you have references? (It is most important that you contact your references ahead of time and have their name, current address, and telephone numbers.)
Questions to Expect Do you have any questions for us? Questions you might ask: – Who would supervise me? – When are you going to make a hiring decision? – What are the opportunities for advancement? – What kind of training is provided or available? – Is there a dress code?
Thank the Interviewer Always shake hands firmly and say “Thank you.” at the conclusion of an interview. Be prepared to mail or leave a handwritten thank-you note, or send an Note should be specific to the interview, express your interest in the job, and include your contact information Proofread your thank you note and be sure there are no errors
Resign Professionally Give two weeks notice Put your resignation in writing but deliver it personally Say that you are leaving and have a positive attitude Offer to help find a replacement Complete all assignments before leaving Ask for a letter of recommendation Thank your employer and say goodbye
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is usually the process of creating a new business, working for yourself Entrepreneurs: – Are risk-takers – Innovative – Confident – Multi-skilled – Totally committed – Results oriented – Vision oriented
Mock Interview