Selection Team 7 Vera Haataja Erno Karpoff
Steps in the selection process Completion of Application Initial Interview Employment Testing Background Investigation Preliminary Selection Supervisor/Team Interview Medical Examination/ Drug Testing Hiring Decision NOTE: Steps may vary. An applicant may be rejected after any step in the process.
Completion of application Applications, resumes sent to the headquarters or to the facilities in question Applications evaluated and ranked based on the work experience, background, references etc. Selection of the candidates for the initial interview Promote within emphasized
Initial interview Interview model varied according to the position applied Evaluation of the interviewer determines whether the candidate will advance or is dropped off “First round interviews” focus on applicants’ personality and qualifications
Employment testing Personality tests for the facility manager candidates Managerial abilities –tests for CEO and national directors candidates, also psychological tests Tests conducted by the HRM –department Tests are focused on the candidates’ capabilities and aptitudes
Background investigation Check applicants’ references and work history Check candidates’ criminal record, university degrees and driving records Contact the applicant’s references in order to gain insight on applicant’s will-do and can-do factors based on previous behavior Goal is to obtain supplementary information on applicant
Preliminary selection Selection for so called “second round” – some candidates are eliminated Ranking of applicants based on previous selection stages The most suitable and best ranked candidates are invited to the supervisor/team interview
Supervisor/Team interview In-depth interview, preferably conducted as panel interview. Behavioral and situational type of questions Depending on the position applied to, the “core” panel would consist of the closest supervisor, HR specialist, and possibly field-related consultant. As a result obtained knowledge of the applicants behavior and decision making capabilities
Medical exam/drug test Outsourced Medicals in order to ensure that the health of an applicant is adequate to meet the job requirements. Discrimination and privacy violations to be avoided. Drug tests in order to guarantee the security of the workplace
Hiring decision The goal and the most critical step of the whole application process Systematic consideration of all the relevant information about applicants – the final decision based on all the steps of the application process Recruitment strategy considered – promote within, job bidding etc. considered In general the closest supervisor has the “final vote”
Top and middle management Selection Conducted by the HRM department Non-direct interviews Managerial abilities and psychological tests Supervisor interviews conducted by HRM department, management consultant and top management. Interviews involve hypothetical cases including problem solving For the top most positions “third round” could be introduced
Facility manager selection HRM department conducts the selection process, while national directors make the final decision Non direct interviews Personality tests Supervisor/Team interviews conducted by the HRM department and national directors. Behavioral based interview –method applied. Coordination and communication skills anticipated For facility assistants structured interviews