A new look at Safer Sex and Harm Reduction.
1. Please break into small groups of 2-3 per group. 2. Introduce yourself to each other and get comfortable. 3. Choose your scribe and reporter. 4. Get to work…you have 10 minutes.
Think differently…openly even, about The people you serve; Sexual identity and behavior; Substance use (and abuse); Strategies for safer sex and risk reduction.
Honest dialogue about sexual activities and behavior with a twist. Controversial strategies for safer sex and risk reduction. To challenge currently held beliefs about safer sex and risk reduction. You may also feel a little uncomfortable with the discussion topics and/ or demonstrations.
This is supposed to be a learning environment. I am learning from you, just as you are learning from me (I hope). This is part training workshop/ part guided group discussion. Please be respectful of other workshop participants. There are no stupid questions and even ‘silly’ comments have some truth to them.
Who do you work with? 1. Racial and Ethnic Groups 2. Ages 3. Gender Identities How easy is it to complete an assessment of the following? 1. Sexual Identities 2. Sexual Behaviors 3. Level of Social Activity/ Interaction 4. Substance Use/ Abuse? 5. Mental Health Concerns?
1) Try a two-step process for assessment. Have the client complete a self assessment and also complete an intake assessment interview. 2) Get the client involved. Use activities, such as mapping exercises, during your risk reduction counseling sessions to help the client process their own behavior. 3) Ask the client about their friends—I may not be willing to talk about myself but I will tell you about my ratchet friends (and the truth is, I’m probably doing some of the same things).
1. Each of you has been provided a slip of paper with a phrase, gender marker, HIV status or substance use description on it. 2. If selected, you will be asked to read aloud what is printed on your slip of paper. 3. Based on this client story, I will work through possible strategies for safer sex and/ or harm reduction. 4. Pair/ small group discussion (2-3 minutes). 5. Large group discussion (2-3 minutes).
Questions for me?
HIV Prevention Program Director AIDS Arms, Inc ext