Unit 6 When was it invented? Period 1 Section A 1a-1c.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 6 When was it invented? Period 1 Section A 1a-1c

年份的读法 两个数字一组,分为前后两组 eighteen sixty five 1989 千年的读法 2000 two thousand 2001 two thousand and one nineteen eighty nine

3 3 前两个数字不为零,后两个数字为零。 1800 eighteen hundred 1900 nineteen hundred 4 4 非四位数的年份的读法! 531 five hundred and thirty-one

翻译下列年代:  1 nineteen seventy-one____________  2 eighteen eighty-five__________  3. eighteen seventy-six  _________________  ______________________  ____________________  年 1885 年 1876 年 nineteen twenty-seven nineteen seventy-six two thousand and eight twenty fourteen

What are the Four Great Inventions in ancient China? Do you know?

Chinese four great ancient inventions compass gun powderprinting paper making

modern inventions: calculator [‘kælkjuleitə]

1a Look at the things below. In what order do you think they were invented? Number them[1-4] (1=first,4=last). Look at the things below. In what order do you think they were invented? Number them[1-4] (1=first,4=last).

A: I think the TV was invented before the car. Talk about with your partner. B: Well, I think the TV was invented after the car.


Cars were invented in The telephone was invented in Personal computers were invented in The TV was invented around 1927.

 Alice: Was your life very difficult when you were a kid?  Grandma: Oh, not really. Why?  Alice: Well, you didn’t have modern inventions like a, right? didn’  Grandma: Of course we did! How old do you think I am? The telephone was in You need to take a history class, Alice!Of cou  Alice: Haha! How about ? They weren’t invented yet, were they?  Grandma: Yes, they were. Cars were invented in My family had a car.they w telephone car

 Alice: Well, did you have a TV?  Grandma: No, we couldn’t one. They were expensive in those days. The TV was invented around 1927, I think.o, we  Alice: Well, I know that you didn’t have a because we learned in school that personal computers were invented in 1976.Well,  Grandma: You’re right. But I have now! afford computer

 modern inventions  be invented in  need to  take a history class  couldn’t afford one  in those days  personal computers 现代发明 在某年、某地发明 需要做某事 上历史课 买不起 在过去 个人电脑 现代发明 在某年、某地发明 需要做某事 上历史课 买不起 在过去 个人电脑

telephone 手机: mobile phone cellphone A: When was the …invented? B: It was invented in _____. 1c

TV television A: When was the … invented? B: It was invented in _____.

computer 私人电脑 笔记本电脑 personal computer notebook computer A: When was the … invented? B: It was invented in _____.

car Benz( 奔驰 ) A: When was the … invented? B: It was invented in _____.

Language points  1.discover 是 “ 发现 ” 的意思,是指发 现原来就有而一直没被发现,如发 现电、煤、石油等矿藏及新星、星 系或科学真理等。  Columbus discovered America in  1492 年哥伦布发现了新大陆。  Recently they have discovered a comet.  最近他们发现了一颗彗星。

 2.find 的意思是 “ 寻找 ” ,强调找的结果, 并不指发现。  I've tried to find another copy but couldn't find one. 我试图再找一本, 但没能弄到。  3.create 指有目的地把原材料制成新产 品,也指创造出原来不存在的或与众不 同的事物。  Man creates himself. 人类创造了自己。  A novelist creates characters and a plot. 小说家塑造人物并设计情节。

Exercise  用 invent, discover , find 或 create 的 形式填空,完成句子。  1.When _____ the stream engine (蒸汽机) ___ ?  2.I can’t ____ my bike, I’m looking for it.  3. Scientists are now trying to  ___ if this is possible. find was invented discover

 4. Do you know who______ the plane ?  5. He ____ quite a number of wonderful characters in his play. invented created

用所给单词的正确形式填空: 1. When the telephone (invent) ? 2. The computer can us do math problems (help). invented was help

1. In those day, the woman couldn't (afford) a TV because they were really expensive. 2. A friend of (I) came to see me last week. 3. I think you need (take) a history class. afford mine to take

单项选择  ( ) 1.The kind of cup is used_______drinking.  A.to B.as C.by D.for  ( ) 2.My mother and my sister kept on talking, but my father________silent all the time.  A.got B.kept  C.turned D.looked D D B B

 ( ) 3.I think the short story ______by Lu Xun.  A.is writing B.is written  C.written D.was written  ( ) 4.--Who_____the electric light lamp_____? —Edison.  A.was;invented B.is;invented  C.was;invented by D.did;invented by D D C C