Presentation Companion Slide Pack The slides in this file were specifically designed to be used with the Presentation Companion Add-In. Copyright © 2014 Training Games, Inc.
You Must Be Joking - Icebreaker Instructions We are going to be mingling and meeting one another, but you also have a task to complete while you mingle. I’m passing out cards with either a “dumb” joke or its punch-line printed on it. Your task is to find and pair up with the person that completes your joke. For example one card might read: What do you get if you cross a cow with a grass cutter? And the punch-line card reads: A lawn mooer. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc.
Most Don’t Know This But - Icebreaker Instructions With everyone seated in a circle, we’ll go around the room and each person will have 15 seconds to tell the group their name, and something about themselves the group is unlikely to know. The “something” you tell, MUST be truthful, but can be humorous or serious. I’ll signal us to first start the clock and again after 15 seconds for the next person to begin. We will proceed clockwise around the table until everyone has spoken. Any questions? Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc. 15 Seconds10 Minutes
Castaway Luxuries - Icebreaker Instructions Pair up with another participant. If possible, this should be someone you do not know or do not know well. Imagine that both of you are to be castaways on a desert island. Each should choose ONE of the following: 1 piece of music 1 book 1 luxury item After a few minutes of discussion, you will introduce your partner by giving their name and the three items they chose. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc. 3 Minutes30 Minutes
Famous Partners - Icebreaker Instructions As you enter the room take a slip of paper. Do not share the name on your slip of paper. After a few words about our program, I will ask each of you to mingle, and find your famous partner. Discuss what you and your partner have in common with your famous partners, and how you believe you are different. As a team, present your discussion (30 Seconds). Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc. 30 Seconds10 Minutes
Flipping Reminders - Icebreaker Instructions Please note the date on the coin you receive upon entering the class. Think of something you would have been doing on this date. Now pair up with another group member and share your date and what you were doing. You’ll have 2 minutes for this, I’ll let you know when times up. Now toss the coin. If you both wind up with heads, or both tails, swap your coins, otherwise you should keep the same coin. Now you should move on to another group member and do the same again. Of course if you have a new coin you will have a new date and should think again what you were doing then. Continue until I call time. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc. 2 Minutes20 Minutes
Handy Skills - Icebreaker Instructions Please place your hand flat on a piece of 8 ½ X 11 paper that we’ve passed around and draw around it. On each of the fingers of the drawn hand, you should write down a skill that you have. Next, select a partner, preferably someone you don’t know, and ask them to discuss the skills you both have written down. Take 10 minutes to discuss. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc. 10 Minutes15 Minutes
Idle Pleasures - Icebreaker Instructions This activity is based on the book entitled The Book of Idle Pleasures (edited by Dan Kieran and Tom Hodgkinson).. Select an initial partner within the training room. After introducing yourself to the other person you must find out at least two idle pleasures that he or she enjoys. Of course, they will also need to share two idle pleasures of their own. An Idle pleasure is one that is free or inexpensive and nothing to do with television, computer games, mobile phones, etc. After 3 minutes, pair up with somebody else and go through the process again. We will do this for 3 or 4 rounds. Some examples of Idle Pleasures might be soaking in the bath, watching the river flow, catching autumn leaves, or skimming stones. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc. 3 Minutes30 Minutes
My Favorites - Icebreaker Instructions You have been asked to identify websites that are currently listed as one of your ‘favorite’ tools on your Internet Browser (ie, Chrome, Firefox etc.) Going around the room, please introduce yourself and tell us about one or two of those favorite websites, and exactly why they are your favorites. One minute presentations. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc. 60 Seconds20 Minutes
The Best Thing - Icebreaker Instructions Introduce yourself in a positive way by giving your name, job title and your ‘best thing’ from the last 24 hours, and why it was the best. ‘My name is _____. My job title is ______. My ‘best thing’ in the last 24 hours was___ (Sample: overhearing my neighbors talking about my son, saying how kind and helpful he is. This made me feel very proud ).’ Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc. 30 Seconds10 Minutes
My Missing Piece - Icebreaker Instructions I passed out pieces of paper each with a word on it. The papers include words that are split into two, for example: COCOABUTTER MILESTONE ICECREAM Walk about the group introducing yourself to other group members attempting to also find the person with your missing piece. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc. 30 Seconds10 Minutes
Quote This - Icebreaker Instructions We’ve provided quotes for your review around the training room. Wander around the room and select the quote that most appeals to you or most typifies your views about this course topic. You’ll have 10 or 15 minutes to review the quotes. Any questions? Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc. 10 Minutes15 Minutes
Peculiarities - Icebreaker Instructions I am going to read you a list of peculiarities. If you hear a peculiarity that you in deed have, I want to ask you come up to the front and collect a prize. I would also ask that you take the opportunity to introduce yourself and tell us a bit about this something about you that is particularly peculiar. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc. 5 Minutes10 Minutes
Play Ball - Icebreaker Instructions First let’s all join together in a circle. I’ll start this exercise by throwing a ball at someone in the circle and upon catching it they must disclose something about themselves, before throwing it to someone else. The information you disclose may be something unusual or unique about yourself or may simply be something that you are sure nobody else in the group knows. The next time the ball is thrown to you, you must reveal your name, and another piece of information about yourself. We will continue until all have introduced themselves. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc.
Same, same, different - Icebreaker Instructions The icebreaker activity we are going to do is essentially a grouping exercise, but with a twist. We will start the session by asking everyone to form into 3 groups based on their height. Under 5’6”, Between 5’6” and 6’, and Over 6 ‘. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc.
Lollipop Teams - Icebreaker Instructions I’ve placed __ colored lollipops into a container as follows: _ x Red Lollipops _ x Green Lollipops _ x Yellow Lollipops _ x Orange Lollipops Take one lollipop from the container without looking. When all of the lollipops have been taken find the other ___ people with the same colored lollipop you are holding. You will be working together as a team! Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc.
Up and Down - Icebreaker Instructions Please share your thoughts on a couple of varying topics. To do this, I will ask you to stand up if the statement I’m making is true for you. After each question, you should sit down again. Let’s begin with an easy one. Ready? Stand up if you drove yourself into work today. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc.
Hostage, Vacationer, Explorer - Icebreaker Instructions In regard to this Training Program, which of these best describes YOU! BE HONEST The Hostages - People who have no other choice but to be in training. They’ve been told they have to attend. They are only there to put in the time and get out. The Vacationers - people who aren’t there to learn anything, they are simply there so they don’t have to be at work. They will enjoy the ride that the training provides them, but are unlikely to take much away with them. The Explorers – People who really WANT to be here. They want to investigate. They want to LEARN. They are the ones who will definitely ask questions. They are not concerned with a bit of hard work because they know it will give them something useful. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc.
Presentation Skills - Icebreaker Instructions Moving around the room, I would like to ask each of you to come to the front of the room and introduce yourself to the group. Give us your: Name, job role and your passion. Then consider if you were to have a dinner party, which three people would you invite and tell us why you would invite each of them. Take up to one minute to present. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc. 60 Seconds20 Minutes
Quiz Me Frisbee - Icebreaker Instructions I will be throwing this Frisbee out to one of you. When the person catches it, they must answer the question that is closest to or under their thumb. When they have answered the question to everyone’s satisfaction, they can choose the next person to fling the Frisbee to! Any questions? Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc. 3 Minutes
Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc. Name three things you expect to get out of this training. What do you consider to be the most important elements of *****? If you could improve only one thing relating to this topic, what would it be? What person do you admire as having talent for today’s topic and why? Quiz Me Frisbee - Icebreaker 30 Seconds60 Seconds Quiz Me Frisbee (2)
Smarties Have the Answer - Icebreaker Instructions We’ve just passed around a bowl of candy and I’ve asked you each to take 4. Each candy color represents a different question that I would like each of you to answer in introducing yourself to the class. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2013 Training Games, Inc. 3 Minutes30 Minutes