INTRODUCTIONS AND WELCOME Grounding question: Introduce yourself, your district, and your role. What is the benefit of working together as a consortium to develop common 21 st Century Technology standards?
GOALS FOR TODAY Develop a vision for a 21 st century learning environment “Unpack” the National Educational Technology Standards from ISTE Create essential questions for teaching to these standards Identify the knowledge and skills students will need at end of grade levels 2, 5, 8, and 12 Develop sample activities to enable students to acquire the knowledge and skills
GENESIS OF THE PROCESS This work is only in its infancy across the nation and here in Colorado NW BOCES technology coordinators and learning specialists cooperatively developed a draft template for Grades 6-8 Work can dovetail into the redrafting of Colorado State Standards (etc 2010) and CTE standards (see also TLF Recommendations). Colorado State Standards see also TLF Recommendations
21 st Century Skills
Grade Level Groups K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12
Group Activity “What is your vision for the 21 st century learning environment?” Select a person to report for your group Discuss the question and record your top three ideas Report out from groups (Cathleen and Marcia will compile into group vision statement)
Curriculum Development Process Understanding by Design Rubicon Curriculum Mapping: video Curriculum Mapping: video
Unpacking the ISTE Standards “What does this standard mean to you?” “What questions do you have about this standard? Work in groups – write comments and questions on sheets Rotate to next standard – add to comments and questions and use green and red dots to indicate agreement and disagreement with previous comments Continue until each group has looked at every standard Resolve any burning questions Reflection on process – each group reports back to the large group
21 st Century Standard Framework Template for Work Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Knowledge & Skills Activities
Resources We need to use 21 st century skills in our work: Wiki: Discussion Board (part of wiki) will be used for non-contact work until our next meeting
Task for Afternoon Work in Grade Level Groups Using the UBD Process to : Create essential questions for teaching to these standards Identify the knowledge and skills students will need at end of grade levels 2, 5, 8, and 12 Develop sample activities to enable students to acquire the knowledge and skills
Discussion before Dining What experience have you had with the Understanding by Design Process?
Understanding by Design Overview of process Overview of process
Group Work Team Leaders How will you equally divide the work in your group? Review resources (don’t reinvent the wheel!!)
Group Work Issues and stumbling blocks Successes and aha moments
Process Review Each group reports to the large group the status of their work and what they feel they still need to do
Next Steps Work to complete Using the wiki and discussion board Next session date Next session overview
Evaluation and Feedback