W EEK 8 Community Evening English Language Program
PRESENTATIONS Next Tuesday: 10/28 “Discoveries” something unique about your country information about a unique hobby or activity you enjoy advice about a vacation that we should take, the sky is the limit! Your presentation should: Be no more than 5 minutes long (practice! ) Have some sort of visual aid (a picture, drawing, Powerpoint, video, anything!) Avoid any content that could be potentially offensive to our classmates
P OSTURE What is good posture ? Stand straight Shoulders back (but not too far) Steady head Feet flat on the floor and a little apart Why should you have good posture during your presentation?
M OVEMENT Smile before you begin talking. Change your facial expressions when you are talking to show the meaning of what you are saying. Don’t wiggle, touch jewelry, play with glasses, touch your hair, hide your hands, or stand frozen. Move naturally as you stand and speak.
G ESTURES Only use your hands to show: Size Enthusiasm for your topic Symbolic action Location Avoid: Pointing at the audience Large or repetitive gestures
P RACTICING F ACIAL E XPRESSIONS With a partner, practice these expressions, and see if you can guess what your partner is doing: Look happy Look worried/nervousLook excited Look interestedLook angry Look unhappyLook neutral (no emotion)
P ESKY F ILLER W ORDS ! Avoid using “filler words”: You know You know what I mean, Like.. Um.. Err.. Uh.. Well… Give your partner a quick talk about your favorite book or movie. Try not to use the filler words above.
L OOKING AT THE A UDIENCE Look directly at your classmates, or at the top of their heads if you are uncomfortable looking at their eyes. Looking other places can mean that you are not prepared or did not practice, or are not confident. Walk to the front of the room, look directly at the class, stand straight and say “Good afternoon,” introduce yourself, (“my name is…”), and tell us what three things in life are that you need to be happy.
G ETTING R EADY Prepare your speech and notes. Practice your speech several times. Give your speech to a friend for practice. Give your speech to your mirror. Don’t read your speech directly from your notecard or slides. Practice, practice, practice!
M AKING E FFECTIVE I NTRODUCTIONS Hook Ask audience a question Tell them to imagine something Show a picture or video Give surprising statistic or fact Self-introduction Good morning/afternoon/evening Give qualifications (job title, country, organization) if not the same as everyone else in the room
M AKING E FFECTIVE C ONCLUSIONS Transition to signal the end of the presentation In conclusion, ________ (include a strong statement, similar to a thesis, here) To conclude, we can see that… To wrap up, it is clear that… Summarize the main points of your presentation In this presentation, I started out with a discussion of… I moved on to/showed you … Finally I ended with …
M AKING E FFECTIVE C ONCLUSIONS If necessary, reference your hook to bring the presentation “full circle”: Let me return to [the question I asked you] at the beginning. Let’s think about what we saw at the beginning Once more, imagine … Leave a lasting impression or final thought This could be another meaningful quote or your own idea As the last thing your audience will think about before you go – make it count!
M AKING E FFECTIVE C ONCLUSIONS Thank your audience and invite questions This concludes my presentation and I thank you for your attention. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Does anyone have any questions? Are there any questions at this time?
T EST REVIEW Vocabulary p. 54 (character traits) p. 64 (positive/negative descriptions) p. 74 (prefixes) p. 78 (make & get) Grammar Relative clauses Wish So + such Past perfect