Please stand for the pledges and moment of silence. BOWIE MIDDLE SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS
Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
Friday, August 28 HAPPY FRIDAY!!!
STUDENT COUNCIL If you are interested in serving as an officer for this Year’s Student Council the deadline is Friday the 28 th of August. Officer positions are: President, Vice-president, Secretary, & Treasurer. A short video introducing yourself to the student body and why they should vote for you is required. If you have questions see Mr. Martinez Room 304.
ACC is looking for students who are interested in helping their fellow students, meeting new friends, and having fun. We need students to serve as mentors throughout the school day with students in ACC. Applications will be placed outside the doors of 501, 503, and 505. Please complete your application with parent signature and return it to 503, by Tuesday, September 1. Interviews will be scheduled and mentors will be chosen by September 4.
Here’s what’s happening NEXT week: Orchestra Parent Meeting in the auditorium – 6:00 pm 7 th Grade Fannin – 4:15 pm 8 th Grade Bowie – 4:15 pm