Sumukh Deshpande n Lecturer College of Applied Medical Sciences Statistics = Skills for life. BIOSTATISTICS (BST 211) Lecture 3
Displaying Data Diagrammatically
Basic Concepts Frequency Cumulative Frequency Relative Frequency Bar Charts Histograms Pie Charts Stem-and-leaf Charts
What Can you see from a chart? Shape of Distribution Mode: uni or multimodal? outliers Is the data symmetrical? Skewed to the right (+ve) Skewed to the left (-ve)
Worked example Birth weight of 46 babies in kg. Plot the data into a histogram and a pie chart
Histogram Frequency
What can you see in a histogram? Mode The distribution is NOT symmetrical Distribution skewed to the left (-vely skewed)
Multimodal Histogram Example: 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9 Mode: 4 and 8 XFrequency
Relative Frequency Freq of x divided by total frequencies
Relative Frequency Table Illustration WeightFreqRelFreq 1.811/46= /46= /46= /46= /46= /46= /46= /46= /46= /46= /46=0.087 n = 46
Relative Frequency
Understanding Relative Freq chart Mode The distribution is NOT symmetrical Symmetry is easier to judge here The outlines of Relative Freq and histogram are similar.
Cumulative Frequency Freq of x plus sum of previous freq’s
Cumulative Frequency Table Illustration WeightFreqCumFreq = = = = = = = = = =46
Cumulative Frequency Cumulative Frequency Chart
What can you in a Cum Freq chart? Median & Quartiles hs/statistics/representingdata3hirev5.shtml Median: reading nb 23? Upper Quartile (Q3) nb 34.5? Lower Quartile (Q1) nb 11.5?
Pie Chart Circle is 360° and each frequency is represented by a suitable angle OR
Pie Chart Table Illustration WeightFreqAngle X (360/46) = X (360/46) = X (360/46) = X (360/46) = X (360/46) = X (360/46) = X (360/46) = X (360/46) = X (360/46) = X (360/46) = X (360/46) = 31.3 n = 46
Pie Chart
What can you spot in a pie chart? Illustrates Proportion of data in a sample or population
Horizontal Bar Chart Frequency
Stem and Leaf Chart XFrequency
Stem and Leaf Example XFrequency
Conclusions The same information can be presented in different format Each type of chart can emphasise certain information MS Excel can do all these charts and more Download the Excel sheet for lecture 3 and practice in your own time