1.Choose a slide background. Don’t choose one that is too busy. Use the “Insert” then “Text Box” feature. 2.Make sure you are in most of the pictures on the slides. 3.The first slide should be an introduction to the presentation. *** Bring four papers with you: Written log Typed Log Self-Evaluation paper typed and printed out Mentor-Verification form If you aren’t sure how to begin, or you don’t have Power Point at home, there are many teachers here at school who will be happy to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask! How to do the Power Point and Prepare for the presentation of your Senior Project.
Senior Project Your Name Name of Project (You may put a picture on the first slide if you want to, but it is not necessary)
On this slide and the next 7 to 10 slides you will put pictures of you doing your project. You won’t need a lot of words. You can add a title like “Day One” or “Before” or any words that give a little information.
You may put one or several pictures on each slide. Make sure you are in most of the pictures. We want to see the project from the beginning to the end. Show pictures showing you doing a variety of different things on different days.
The last (or next-to-the-last) slide should be the answers to the five questions on the self-evaluation form: 1. What knowledge, skills or abilities have you gained as a result of this project? 2. How will insights you have learned help you in the future? 3. Now that you are finished, what are you most proud of? 4. Knowing that there is always room for improvement, what would you do differently in order to improve your project if you were to redo it? 5. How did the community benefit from this project?
The answers to the questions can be the last slide, or you can put a “thank- you” slide at the end. If you have actually done all of the work shown in the slides and you have your four papers ready to hand in, there is no reason you won’t pass your project. The members of the committee WANT you to pass. We are on your side!!! Remember to ask for help if you aren’t sure about what to do. Be sure to practice a few times before you meet with the committee. Dress nicely, shake hands and introduce yourself, hand your four papers and your flash drive to the committee members and be ready to go. GOOD LUCK