Martha Chapman Technology Facilitator Special Education Department Rapides Parish School District
These collaboration and communication tools combined with educational methods that promote 21 st century skills will help students acquire the abilities they need for the future.
Twenty-first Century Skills Digital-age Literacy Inventive Thinking Effective Communication High Productivity
Digital-Age Literacy Basic scientific economic and technological literacies Visual and informational literacies Multicultural literacy and global awareness
Inventive Thinking Adaptability and managing complexity Self-direction Curiosity, creativity and risk taking Higher-order thinking and sound reasoning
Effective Communication Teaming, collaboration and interpersonal skills Personal, social, and civic responsibility Interactive communication
High Productivity Prioritizing, planning, and managing for results Effective use of real-world tools Ability to produce relevant, high-quality products
Encompasses Web-based tools Uses browsers for access Tools are free Tools accessible to all Tools are social in nature Tools promote self-expression (blogs, wikis, photo sharing)
WEB 1.0WEB 2.0 Application basedWeb based IsolatedCollaborative OfflineOnline Licensed or purchasedFree Single creatorMultiple collaborators Proprietary codeOpen source Copyrighted contentShared content In Web 2.0 the creation of material or information on the Web is as much a part of our experience as the finding or reading of data has been in Web 1.0.
Word Art, Digital Collage, Video Posters Bring school projects to life! Create and collaborate! This program allows you to create word clouds from text that you provide.
Image Tools: Use social photo sharing sites to inject creativity into instruction through photography.
Presentation Tools: Create and share presentation slides anytime, anywhere.
Video Tools: Learn more enhanced video integration in the classroom
A Web Log (blog): Personal commentaries/ issues author deems important Contains text, links, Web pages, media Promotes open dialogue Bloggers/commenters exchange opinions and ideas
Podcasts A way to distribute multimedia files such as music or speech over the Internet for playback on mobile devices and computers -offers students & teachers access/ authentic feedback to/from a worldwide audience. Podcasting and Education KidCast : Podcasting in the Classroom - A resource book for educators ng/infolit/edupodcast/
WIKI A wiki is a Web page – allows readers to collaborate with others in writing, editing, and revising the pages contents at any time.
Wiki Books The Free High School Science Texts: Biology Physics Science for secondary school students Regents Earth Science Computer Literacy Geometry for elementary Or for teachers... Classroom Behavior Management Instructional Technology Blended Learning in K-12
Social Bookmarking Displays shared lists of user- created Internet bookmarks organize, rank, and display resources for others to see and use Content is classified using keyword-based tags (bookmarks public) (stores user URLs in folders)
Photo Editing Make your photos look good! Googles Picasa Apples iPhoto Microsofts Photo Story /
Desktop Tools Web-based Web-based collaborative collaborative free. free. spreadsheets spreadsheets Word-processing Word-processing presentations presentations Google Docs port/bin/ ic=15114
OTHER TOOLS Mapping 3D Modeling Social Networking Organizing Web Info Surveys Drawing Mashups Google Earth Google Sketchup ZOHO Polls Tux Paint Flash Earth
EXTRAS!! (online learning community) Google Education
Discovery Education Lesson plans, links, categories, everything you need in one place! web2.0/resources.cfm