Welcome to Midway Elementary School Lexington, SC Home of the Mustangs!
Enter the Media Center and meet Susan Cathey, our media specialist. Susan organizes all library activities on a mixed schedule and reads to all kindergarteners, first graders, and special needs students each week.
As you enter the media center, to the left you will see Suzy Davis, our media assistant who is always available to help check in and check out books. She is extremely helpful and great with readers’ advisory. Mrs. Davis knows almost every child by name, which is very impressive. Midway is home to over 900 students, grades K-4!
In the center of the library, kindergarteners and pre-school mini mustangs find picture books on display for check out. Special seasonal displays above the reference section attract the attention of students looking for something fun to read.
Toward the back of the library, fiction book cases line the walls, while nonfiction is located in the center. The “E for Everybody” titles are to the right, and the books for older children are to the left. Over 17,000 books are easy to find at Midway using the Destiny online catalog. Computers line the walls, providing access to the catalog and internet for all students and staff.
One of our most important duties at Midway is to promote reading for fun! Kindergarten, first grade, and special needs students visit weekly for story time and interactive lessons.
Not all library services occur in the library. We provide materials for each classroom, including this kindergarten, French Immersion class. The library provides recorded music, books, and games for the French Immersion classes, grades K-3.
Research literacy lessons involving the internet can be taught in one of the school’s two the computer labs.
Each month we celebrate students’ birthdays with a Birthday Book Club luncheon. Parents purchase books in honor of their children’s birthdays. The students eat lunch with the media specialist, take their new books home for a week, and then the books are donated to the library collection.
Susan Cathey and Suzy Davis are responsible for the school’s literacy library, which holds over 4000 books. Sets of books are organized and cataloged by reading level and are available for teacher check out through the Destiny catalog.
This completes our tour of the Midway Elementary School Media Center. Please visit in person if you are in Lexington, SC, and ask for Susan. All three of us will answer and give you a warm welcome! Susan Mazur Media Center Intern