Romanesque vs. Gothic Architecture Codey Bair pd.3
Romanesque Churches And buildings
Sant` Antimo Abbey, Tuscany, Italy Dull outside Small windows Barrel- like inside Thick walls Little décor.
Leaning Tower of Pisa Thick walls Little décor Small windows (the building to the right) Dull
Rocamadour, Midi-Pyrenees, France Dull interior and exterior Windows tell story Small windows Arched interior Little décor Barrel- like interior
Gothic Churches
Convento do Carmo, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal Large windows Pointed arcs Bright Note: Building is in ruins but still is Gothic. It's what it was is what counts.
St. Ouen, Rouen, Normandy, France Pointed Arcs Large, Castle like Large Windows Bright Much décor Looks delicate
Prague Cathedral, Prague, Czech Republic Large Windows Bright Beautiful Many buttresses Tall Pointed Arch Stained glass windows Groin vau lt
Works Cited Romanesque site used only: o Gothic site used only: o