Computer Careers for YOU
Types Programmers Engineers Designers Web designers Network administrators Technicians MANY more
Technicians Entry level: A+ Certified Network Plus Internet Plus Microsoft Certified System Engineer
Salaries A+ Certified In high school $10 an hour High school grad $13 to $15 an hour 21 years old and above $17-25 an hour
Higher Certifications Certified employees usually are more learned and experienced so get larger salaries as opposed to hourly wages. Experience and knowledge are most important.
MCSE Microsoft Certified System Engineers are the most highly paid technicians. MCSEs must pass 6 very technical exams They are usually the boss at every job where they work since they are most experienced
Salaries Depending on your location, you can expect to start at $27,000 to $35,000 a year. The longer you stay with the job, the higher the salary up to about $6065,000 a year.
How to Get There Middle school Take every computer and math class possible and do your best academically and behaviorally Develop your senses of work and honesty Force yourself to show respect to others
How to Get There High School Stay out of trouble in class Take every computer, math, science, and English class possible Study daily Try to get into a computer repair class
How to Get There Talk to adults in the computer field Try to meet technicians and computer industry workers Buy and read computer magazines Read tech articles and news and watch Tech TV Get an old working computer and disassemble and reassemble it, learning the names of all parts
Arriving Purchase A+ Certification books and read and study them Take free online A+ exams and those in the backs of books Take the two A+ Certification examscurrently priced at $135 each
There! Everything you have done will make you the man or woman you become. If you practice studying, behaving well, working on computers, and reading about the field, you will become the fairly wealthy technician you want to become!
Finally Lets watch some videos!