6/20/2003 1 Instructional Design Constructivism and Multimedia By Martha Chapman ETEC 5760 Summer 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

6/20/ Instructional Design Constructivism and Multimedia By Martha Chapman ETEC 5760 Summer 2003

2 Knowledge is not transmitted: it is constructed.

6/20/ Constructivism Constructivism is a belief that the learners can use their previous and current beliefs, ideas, and knowledge to form and connect incoming information and eventually reach conclusions in subject matter.

6/20/ The Constructivist Classroom Emphasis is placed on students' ability to solve real-life, practical problems based on prior knowledge and understanding. Emphasis is placed on students' ability to solve real-life, practical problems based on prior knowledge and understanding. Students confront problems full of meaning because they are realistic and authentic. Students confront problems full of meaning because they are realistic and authentic. Students invent alternative solutions. Students invent alternative solutions. Students collaborate with others. Students collaborate with others. Students try out ideas and hypotheses, revise their thinking, and finally present the best solution they can derive. Students try out ideas and hypotheses, revise their thinking, and finally present the best solution they can derive.

6/20/ The Facilitator The job of the teacher in constructivist models is to arrange for required resources and act as a guide to students while they set their own goals and 'teach themselves'. (Roblyer, Edwards, and Havriluk, 1997, p. 70)

6/20/ The Learner The student's individual development is at the center of instruction, rather than a lesson plan.

6/20/ Why Multimedia? Multimedia provides many opportunities for active and cooperative learning. Multimedia provides many opportunities for active and cooperative learning. Multimedia allows for authentic learning. Multimedia allows for authentic learning. Multimedia allows students to generate their own knowledge. Multimedia allows students to generate their own knowledge. Multimedia assists students in taking more responsibility for learning. Multimedia assists students in taking more responsibility for learning. Multimedia engages the students in active learning. Multimedia engages the students in active learning.

6/20/ Interactive and Presentation Multimedia A communication format integrating several media (text, audio, visual), most commonly implemented with a computer.

6/20/ Interactive Multimedia The user, as the name suggests, can interact with multimedia so that information can be accessed in a non-linear fashion.

6/20/ Interactive Video Videodiscs Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) technology hypertext/hypermedia/multimedia

6/20/ Presentation Multimedia video camera audio cassette player musical keyboard television set computer video cassette recorder

6/20/ Computers The major function of the computer would appear to be in its mode as a tool with applications such as word processors, databases, spreadsheets and graphics programs.

6/20/ Computers Have Other Uses Hypermedia/Hypertext Hypermedia/Hypertext Simulations Simulations Tutorials Tutorials Educational Games Educational Games Drill and Practice (be careful) Drill and Practice (be careful)

6/20/ = Learning Constructivism Multimedia Instructional Design

6/20/ References Conceição-Runlee, Simone, and Daley, Barbara J. Constructivist Learning Theory To Web-Based Course Design: An Instructional Design Approach. Retrieved June 19, 2003 from tionism.html Conceição-Runlee, Simone, and Daley, Barbara J. Constructivist Learning Theory To Web-Based Course Design: An Instructional Design Approach. Retrieved June 19, 2003 from tionism.html tionism.html tionism.html Mergel, Brenda. (1998, May). Instructional Design and Learning Theory. Retrieved June 19 from /brenda.htm#The%20Basics%20of%20Constructivism Mergel, Brenda. (1998, May). Instructional Design and Learning Theory. Retrieved June 19 from /brenda.htm#The%20Basics%20of%20Constructivism /brenda.htm#The%20Basics%20of%20Constructivism /brenda.htm#The%20Basics%20of%20Constructivism Smith, Particia L. and Ragan, Tillman J., 1999, Instructional Design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. Smith, Particia L. and Ragan, Tillman J., 1999, Instructional Design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.