Sebring High School
During school year , STEM Scholars will offer participants: 1. Regional forums that will take place on the campuses of regional colleges/community colleges. 2. Parent/Student informational nights. 3. Individualized guidance counseling that is focused on career readiness and awareness, scholarship information, and social and emotional support. 4. The opportunity to apply for a regional summer challenge, a residential STEM-intensive week-long experience on the campus of a regional college or university, available to active participants during the school year.
STEM Forums - (Saturday field trips) October 24 - Indian River State College November 14 - Florida Gulf Coast University December 12 - Florida SouthWestern State College January 23 - Florida Polytechnic University February - South Florida State College and Highlands County Sheriff's Office April - TBA SUMMER : We will be having a Summer Challenge at FGCU in June of 2016, the dates will most likely be June 5th - 10th, and it will focus on Engineering
Eligibility - Gifted and Talented Suggested Guidelines for Identification of Talented Students: Students who display high levels of creativity, unusual interests, talents, or high performance in STEM areas Students who have the capacity to perform at a high level, but may not be doing so due to family issues Students who score at or above 92 percentile in rigorous STEM courses Students scoring either a four or five on the mathematics and/or science portions of Florida Assessments (FSA/FCAT/etc.) Teacher recommendation – nomination from current and previous teachers
Student participation in this project may result in the following future benefits: Increased enrollment in rigorous STEM courses Increased STEM-related career awareness Enhanced ability to collaborate and use critical thinking skills to solve authentic problems Enhanced capacity to assume leadership roles Increased emotional and social support Greater awareness of post-secondary options and scholarship opportunities Completion of an individual learning plan focused on the student’s unique interests, learning style, and talents Recognition from the state after completion of the STEM Scholars Program of Study