Wellfield Middle School Key Stage 2 SATs 2015
Background Children will complete a range of tests in Numeracy and Literacy. These tests are similar to the optional SATs completed in Years 3,4 and 5. High schools are interested in the results. Your child’s Value Added (progress) is calculated from these SATs scores.
Achievement Most children are expected to achieve Level 4 (approx 90%). Some children may achieve Level 3. This does not mean they have ‘failed’. For some children Level 3 is a tremendous achievement. Children are working towards targets based on their achievement at Key Stage 1. Some children are working at a higher level and may achieve a Level 5 (approx 40%) or a Level 6.
Test week SATs week begins on Monday 11 th May 2015.
Numeracy Test The Level 3-5 test has three papers. o Paper A and Paper B. Both papers are 45 minutes long and no calculator is allowed. o Mental Arithmetic 20 questions. 5, 10 or 15 seconds per question. The Level 6 test has 2 papers. o Paper A is a non calculator paper and Paper B is a calculator paper. Both last for 45 minutes. We will work closely with pupils to ensure they are familiar with the different formats.
Numeracy Test Some of the questions require the children to show their processing skills. Many of the questions require the children to show their skill in using and applying maths in a variety of situations. The questions can be read to the children so that it is only their mathematical ability that is being tested.
Level 3 2 marks
Level 3 3 marks
2 marks Level 4
2 marks Level 4
Level 5 2 marks
1 mark Level 5
Level 6
2 marks
Supporting your child Mental Calculations Times tables and related division facts Money o Find change from £1, £5 or £10. o How much would 2 of something cost? o How many 10 pences are in £1? o How many are in £2?
Supporting your child Measures o Distances - How far have we travelled? o In the kitchen reading the scales/division on measuring jugs o Telling the time 12 hour and 24 hour. How long a TV show lasts? Practical problems Number puzzles Apps on iPad etc
Access Arrangements Provision will be made to enable all children to achieve as highly as possible. o Readers o Extra time o Prompt o Amanuensis (scribe) o ‘Brain breaks’ Applications for these will be made very soon and are based on the children’s prior attainment, needs and current provision.
As well as the normal end of year report Year 6 children will receive... o Teacher assessment o SAT level o Information showing last years national averages o Information about achievement in this school The Results
Why are SATs so important? Like any other formal examination process. Give you information about where your child is (academically). National test. Gives you a comparison to see how much they have progressed throughout their time at Wellfield First and Middle School. Informs high schools of academic ability/settings.
How can you help? Praise and encourage your child, leading up to and during SATs week and when the results come out. Your child will need to be in school for each test. Early nights. Encourage your child to go to bed early prior to SATs – including Friday and Saturday. Make sure they have a good breakfast and water during the test can also help. Have a quiet place for child to study.
What can you do to prepare your child? Help your child to revise and practise skills. Ask what they have been studying. Explaining what they have learnt reinforces their understanding. Learn and practise times tables (forwards and backwards). Discuss with your child's teachers - areas to work on at home/specific activities/concerns. Ensure your child completes their homework.
How to revise Concentrate on areas of weakness, not what your child can do easily. Short, frequent bursts of 15 to 20 minutes are more effective than prolonged periods of study. Use revision guides and/or internet sites. There are several useful links on the school website.
Internet Sites
Thank you for your time this evening.