Dawn Calow Alternative Curriculum Team Leader
Who are we ? Dawn Calow, Team Leader Tracey Thorley, Learning Mentor Carol Snaith, English and Maths Tutor Estelle Keywood, English and Maths PSHE Tutor Based at the Greasborough Centre Work as part of School Effectiveness with the Raising Participation Team. Office number
Which students do we work with ? KS4 students within Rotherham who have been or who are at risk of permanent exclusion from mainstream school Students new into the area with no school roll Young people returning from Young Offenders Institutes Looked After Children Some of the most vulnerable children in the Borough
So what do we do ? Start with the young person Ongoing support throughout KS4 and beyond Initial Assessments Personalised Programme (aim to provide 25 hours of education) Arrange taster sessions 1:1 Mentoring Tutor 1:1 for English and Maths Raise aspirations Raise attendance Accredited outcomes Provide advice to schools
Regular feedback to student, school and parents Carry out regular reviews with providers / students Utilise a range of funding streams Support progression Seek new providers and qualifications
Process to support our learners with positive progression Passport, to provide a storyboard of the learner so far Meet with student / parent at an agreed venue Arrange Initial assessments and gather data from school (use of BKSB and pass) Discussion around future ambitions, what they may want to do for a job. Targeted work with connexions / Mentor Create an ILP, with the student input with measurable targets Regular review around targets
Positive Progression into Post 16 Dedicated connexions worker Allocated time for Careers work 1:1 sessions Visits to connexions centre Support using various websites Interview techniques Preparing for Assessments Arranging visits to college, training providers Support with attending interviews and assessments in college. S139A for all students to support transition Support during September and beyond
Activity 1 Raising Aspirations What does this mean to your school or setting? 10 mins to discuss in groups and then to feedback to the group
Key actions to raise aspirations Senior Leaders to set the tone by having a clear and consistent focus as an whole school issue Integral. Not seen as yet another task Someone responsible but everyone’s responsibility – Shared approach Involve the wider community, Work experience, building in links with employers, motivational talks. Other professionals Develop opportunities to involve parents Curriculum to offer progression Use of on line resources e.g. Kudos Connection workers involved early
Support students with low aspirations from primary school (Case study in Wakefield) Targeted work around their dreams
Activity 2 I wonder what would be your dream job
What life do you want? Where would you like to live (describe your house) What Car would you like to drive Where would you like to go on holiday What clothes do you want to wear? Shops? What restaurants do you want to eat in What make up do you want to wear How much does all of this cost? Explore what jobs will support the lifestyle they want
Case study A Statement for BESB whilst living in Sheffield Transferred to Rotherham at the end of KS3 Only attended special schools and PRU since year 7 Attendance very poor, low attainment, no ambition, low self confidence, Outcome at the end of KS4 Level 1 Construction course completed Level 2 ICT Work placement completed Attendance 97% GCSE English and Maths
Progression post 16 Positive progression post 16 with a RailwayTraining Provider which has lead to a full time apprenticeship