Tutorial Theories and Methods
1. When and where? Thursdays, 15:30 – 17 2/B Tutorial Theories and Methods2
2. What? read and discuss set texts read and discuss “The Reluctant Fundamentalist” (Please read soon!) discuss your presentations discuss your termpapers Tutorial Theories and Methods3
3. How? no German in class unless inevitable ask your questions immediately so as to relate them to the context, or contact me via unanswerable questions and problems resisting to be solved? Ask Pavan Malreddy! it is ok to disagree since it is theories we are dealing with… Tutorial Theories and Methods4
4. Aims understand theories: What are they (about)? put theories in a practical context: o What do they mean for our practical work with literature? o What can they do with literature? o What can we do with them? apply theories to “The Reluctant Fundamentalist” and see how they work Tutorial Theories and Methods5
5. Details contact: but: it is unlikely that I answer quickly on weekends detailed questions and personal concerns: approach me after classes files and presentations: schoolrack.com Tutorial Theories and Methods6
Tutorial Theories and Methods7 Questions?