BS2914 Quality Management and Customer Care 1: What is Quality ?
BS2914 Quality Management and Customer Care 1: What is Quality ? Conformance quality - conforming to specifications; having a product or service that meets predetermined standards. Requirements quality - meeting total customer requirements; having perceived attributes of a service or product that meet or exceed customer requirements. Quality of kind - quality so extraordinary that it delights the customer; having perceived attributes of a product or service that significantly exceed customer expectations, thereby delighting the customer with its value.
BS2914 Quality Management and Customer Care 1: What is Quality ? 1. "Quality is conformance to specifications.“ British Defence Industries Quality Assurance Panel 2. "Quality is conformance to requirements.“ Philip Crosby 3. "Quality is fitness for purpose.“ Dr Juran 4. "Quality is synonymous with customer needs and expectations.“ R J Mortiboys
BS2914 Quality Management and Customer Care 1: What is Quality ? 5. "Quality is a predictable degree of uniformity and dependability, at low cost and suited to the market.“ Dr Edward Deming 6. "Quality is meeting the (stated) requirements of the customer- now and in the future.“ Mike Robinson
BS2914 Quality Management and Customer Care 1: What is Quality ? 7. "Quality is the total composite product and service characteristics of marketing, engineering, manufacturing and maintenance through which the product and service in use will meet the expectations by the customer." Armand Feigenbaum 8. "Totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs." ISO 8402 : 1994
BS2914 Quality Management and Customer Care 1: What is Quality ? Where does ‘Quality’ come from [1] ? A concern with competitiveness from the emergence of the global economy Developments in ITC Dislocation of economies in the 1970s Concern in the 1980s in the Public Sector Economy, Efficiency, Effectiveness Value for Money
BS2914 Quality Management and Customer Care 1: What is Quality ? Where does ‘Quality’ come from [2] ? Rise of Consumerism and customer sovereignty Admiration of Japanese ‘economic miracle’ Belief in the power of the market place
BS2914 Quality Management and Customer Care 1: What is Quality ? APPROACH TO QUALITY ROLE OF THE USER USER INVOLVEMENT MEASUREMENTS DEPLOYED UniversalPurchaserMinimalZero defects, SPC Service Distinctiveness ConsumerIndividualised interactive ‘Gap’ analysis Public SectorCitizenCollectivist Interactive Citizen’s Charter; League tables ‘Traditional’ healthcare ‘Passive’ patientAcquiescent co- production Audits, satisfaction surveys ‘Empowered’ healthcare ‘Active’ patientParticipative co- production Patient-oriented surveys
BS2914 Quality Management and Customer Care 1: What is Quality ?
Activity…… How would you define the elements of quality in higher education ?
BS2914 Quality Management and Customer Care 1: What is Quality ? Quality Measurement… How do we know the quality of our work unless we can measure it ? Will this mean ‘measuring the measurable rather than the significant’ Is every incentive a perverse incentive (i.e.self-defeating?)