Mid-term: Review of offshore monitoring for CCS projects (IEA/CON/14/223) 24 th July 2014, BGS Keyworth Dial in: or Participant passcode: then # 1
Mid term meeting: Thursday 24 th July tea / coffee 9.30 Welcome & introduction. Sarah Task 1: Overall monitoring objectives. Andy Task 2: Review of current experience at operational CO 2 storage sites. Andy & Doug Task 3: Review of findings from experimental, natural analogues sites and modelling. Dave, Doug, Jerry Task 4: Efficacy of current and planned offshore monitoring plans wrt regulatory requirements. Jonathan & Doug 11:15 Tea/Coffee (discuss task 5) Task 5: R & D priorities. Round table discussion 12:15Task 6: Concluding synthesis and sample offshore monitoring templates. Sarah 12:30 Any other business. Sarah/James Meeting close/lunch 2
9.30 Welcome and introduction Sarah Hannis, BGS (5mins) 3
Project personnel (red = at/calling in) IEAGHG contact: James Craig Project leader (BGS): Sarah Hannis BGS: Jonathan Pearce, Dave Jones, Andy Chadwick NOC: Doug Conelly, Maaten Furlong, Ian Wright PML: Steve Widdicombe, Jerry Blackford, Tom Vance UoS: Tim Leighton, Paul White 4
Project scope and objectives Review on offshore monitoring for CCS projects, in terms of the capabilities, practicalities and costs. Bring together all work to date into one report. Compared to onshore, explore advantages and disadvantages of monitoring techniques, strategies and programmes. Identify technology gaps, synergies and recommendations for further research, development and demonstration. Review regulatory requirements (UK and others) for monitoring Assess the ability of monitoring techniques to meet the them. Make recommendations for further research and development to improve meeting regulatory needs and at lower cost. 5
Tasks Days effort BGSNOCPMLUoS Task 1: Overall monitoring objectives 1.5 Task 2: Review of current experience at operational CO2 storage sites Task 3: Review of findings from experimental, natural analogues sites and modelling Task 4 Review of efficacy of current and planned offshore monitoring plans with respect to regulatory requirements 33 1 Task 5 R & D priorities Task 6 Concluding synthesis and sample offshore monitoring templates
Gantt MayJunJulAugSeptOctNov Task 1: Overall monitoring objectives Task 2: Review of current operations Task 3: Review of experimental sites Task 4: Efficacy of mon. plans vs regs Task 5: R&D priorities Task 6: Concluding synthesis Draft Report Review and revision Final Report Meetings 7 17/9/14 10/11/14 Kick-offMid-termFinal
Timing/input MayJunJulAugSeptOctNov Task 1: Overall monitoring objectives Task 2: Review of current operations Task 3: Review of experimental sites Task 4: Efficacy of mon. plans vs regs Task 5: R&D priorities Task 6: Concluding synthesis Draft Report Review and revision Final Report Meetings 8 17/9/14 10/11/14 Kick-offMid-termFinal BGS BGS, NOC, UoS All BGS, NOC, UoS BGS, NOC, PML All
Proposed report A succinct but comprehensive report detailing our findings and conclusions (~40-50 pages). Chapters correspond to the Tasks (1 – 6). Draft report supplied by 17 th September 2014 Final report no later than 10 th November Copyright and IPR Please supply: – Report-quality images – Your organisation’s copyright statement on any pre-existing work Make sure you have copyright on supplied images
11.30 Task 5: R & D priorities. Round table discussion involving all participants including UoS (45 mins) 10
Task 5: R&D priorities (All, in August) A clear and concise synthesis of remaining R & D priorities for cost-effective offshore monitoring Based on Tasks 1 – 4, augmented by priority lists from APGTF UKCCSRC RAPIDS handbook ZEP Currently active industry colleagues Published Best Practice documentation (e.g. at Weyburn). Detailed discussion of likely operational requirements for new technologies All Discussion of technical and logistical issues associated with their development and deployment All 11
We have an ever improving suite of sensors and platforms to use. With continuing large investment in this area: £10 Million to AUV and gliders at NOC >€20 Million through Oceans of Tomorrow X-Prize for in-situ pH Lander technologies UK proposal for QICS II Any approach will be multidisciplinary Task 5: R&D priorities discussion
12:15 Task 6: Concluding synthesis and sample offshore monitoring templates Sarah Hannis, BGS (15 mins) 13
Task 6: Concluding synthesis and sample offshore monitoring templates (All, mid-Aug to 17 th Sept) Overview synthesis: key requirements for offshore monitoring. Tool capabilities, offshore logistics, costs and R&D priorities. Set out requirements for conformance and containment monitoring in varied settings and also for emissions detection and measurement. Assess tool sensitivity and accuracy (repeatability in time-lapse) Explore the potential for complementary tool combinations Address the need to establish robust baselines for wide area monitoring combined with known and low detection thresholds to detect precursor fluids such as chemically-reducing sediment pore fluids and shallow aquifer brines Provide outline templates for offshore storage site monitoring programmes: Include suggestions for site specific spatial-temporal monitoring strategies and robust baseline sampling strategies All 14
12:30 Any other business (incl. final meeting date) (12.35 Meeting close/lunch) Sarah Hannis, BGS James Craig, IEAGHG (5 mins) 15
Final meeting (2 nd half Oct) 16 October MoTuWeThFrSaSu We have ~ 1month to incorporate any changes 10 th November – delivery of final report to IEAGHG Reviewed by IEAGHG ExCo and published on website 17 September – submit final report to IEAGHG ~1 month external review organised by IEAGHG Feedback to us at final meeting:
MayJunJulAugSeptOctNov Task 1: Overall monitoring objectives Task 2: Review of current operations Task 3: Review of experimental sites Task 4: Efficacy of mon. plans vs regs Task 5: R&D priorities Task 6: Concluding synthesis Draft Report Review and revision Final Report Meetings 17 Timing/input reminder BGS BGS, NOC, UoS All BGS, NOC, UoS BGS, NOC, PML 17/9/14 10/11/14 Kick-offMid-termFinal All
18 Sarah Hannis Jonathan Pearce Ian Wright Jerry Blackford Tim Leighton Dave Jones Andy Chadwick Doug Connelly Maaten Furlong Steve Widdicombe Tom Vance Paul White BGS NOC PML UoS Project contacts James Craig IEAGHG