0 Photovoltaic Developers Perspective Photovoltaic and Storage Workshop ERCOT Aruna Ranaweera, Ph.D., P.E. OCI Solar Power October 15, 2012
1 ($00) OCI Solar Power Headquartered in San Antonio Utility scale solar power development throughout the US 400 MW Solar PPA with CPS Energy Consortium of companies to create 800+ solar industry jobs in San Antonio Stage I: 50 MW to be in service in 2013 Interconnection studies in progress with ERCOT and CPS Stages II to V from 2014 to 2016 Committed to the reliable operation of the electric power system
2 ($00) Integration of Solar Power Studies to show that concerns are not just speculation And understand issues correctly to implement proper mitigations Location specific issues (related to POI) Issues due to the size of the plant Centralized mitigations and individual plant mitigations Solar power forecasting by each plant and centralized forecasting managed by the Reliability Coordinator Other RTO practices Impact of new requirements on the competitiveness of solar power
3 ($00) Clear application instructions: Submit Resource Registration form before the Interconnection Application? Interconnection queue update frequency Examples of other RTO practices: MISO - Pre-queue workshops several times a year PJM, MISO, CAISO, ISO-NE, NYISO - Interconnection Queue posted on the public website Generation Interconnection Process Feedback
4 ($00) Other RTO practices: Interconnection Queue map posted on public website Generation Interconnection Process Feedback
5 ($00) Other RTO practices: Interconnection Capacity map posted on public website Generation Interconnection Process Feedback
6 ($00) Generation Interconnection Process Feedback Maps available on the state website