Classroom in the Cloud
What’s the Cloud? Cloud Storage is both the physical and virtual place that we store information on the Internet. Organizations and websites store their websites, information, and digital materials like an itunes song, a Netflix video, or a linked document in the Cloud.
Cloud 9: My Website Create a simple website or blog to “teach from.” This is your central class storage and presentation vehicle. Both you and students access the class website. Let’s go to and get a website started!
Cloud storage Cloud storage providers offer free accounts for a limited amount of data. The most widely known and used are: Dropbox, Evernote, ICloud
What’s App Got to Do with It? An app is a digital, interactive web application mainly used on tablets and smart phones- ipads, PC tablets, iphones, android phones, etc. An App that is used on an iphone or an ipad— Imessages for texting, Spotify for music, Youtube, Netflix, Banking apps and more also have an Internet version you can use on a computer.
Digitize This! Convert your hard copy documents into digital documents that can be used on a computer, smart divice, or on the internet. 1.Scan a document. It turns in to a PDF or a Jpeg.Type a document. 2.Upload the Word Document, PDF, or Jpeg in to Dropbox, Evernote, or on to your website.
Moving in to the Cloud Write your content directly in to your website. Upload your documents, PDFs, Images, Videos or podcasts.
Where’s my stuff? Access your content & materials from any device at any time Log in to your edublog or site from the admin panel