Stimulate Stimulate Electronic information at the University of Antwerp Anke Jacobs - UA - Campus Drie Eiken 3 August 2005
Facts & figures books and journals (in paper) Collection of volumes > online journals Ca. 150 databases Still growing Stimulate
E-info in general Storage place needed is growing E-info available online, no physical storage needed Only one person can borrow a book E-info, more simultaneous users Library has got closing hours E-info available 7/7 24/24 any time, any place Establishing results and communicating them through a journal article takes very long Electronic publishing goes faster – article in press Stimulate
E-info in general Stimulate Paper libraryHybrid libraryDigital library ??? time
E-info at the UA E-journals Individual journals Packages by publisher Packages by supplier E-books Databases (secondary, full text) Stimulate
E-info at the UA Request Conditions Order Activation – Installation Visibility for the end-user Training Stimulate
Request On the request of an UA member Advertisement Sales representatives Consortium Stimulate
Conditions – License IP authentication Availability for all UA members Pricing Consortia Stimulate
Order Check with library advisor Key figure for library matters for a specific faculty Order via journal agent Swets Information Services Intermediary who manages all our subscriptions 1 invoice, for all our subscriptions DataSwetsConnect Stimulate
Activation Confirmation from the publisher, through our journal agent. Activation of access Installation of databases on the UA network Stimulate
Visibility One stop shop Website Library catalogue Stimulate
Training Library introductions for new students Training on demand for specific databases Training for library staff Quick reference cards Stimulate
To conclude User has to be the first and most important concern of the librarian KIS-principle (Keep it Simple) User becomes very demanding Stimulate
Questions? Stimulate ?