Technology Across the Curriculum Using ONE COMPUTER
Kathleen Hutchinson & Christie Despino Special Education Technology Facilitators For Rapides Parish
Alice McBride & Shelly Close Rapides Parish Assistive Technology Team
The Connection! Computer activities can address all areas of the curriculum. The computer that is set up correctly can address all childrens needs. Can make your classroom more exciting Can keep students in the Technology Age and will prepare them for the years to come.
A computer should be an instrument where students can learn and use to complete a technology activity that enhances the curriculum.
Lets Talk about UDL and Technology
What is U.D.L.?
Universal Design Learning An approach to teaching and learning that requires the curriculum to include alternatives making it accessible and appropriate for individuals with different backgrounds, learning styles, abilities, and disabilities.
Universal Design – What it is NOT! Universal Design does NOT mean that the instructional materials and activities accommodate students by lowering the standards.
Universal Design Benefits Intended to be INCLUSIVE – not solely for students with disabilities Teachers only need to teach ONE flexible curriculum to reach ALL students Allows students to use his/her strengths
Legal Issues Compliance with ADA Information and activities need to be accessible and usable by individuals with disabilities mandated by IDEA Amendments of 1997
Ethical Issues Printed curriculum was the standard. Students expected to adjust to the curriculum. Modifications of curriculum possible with technology. Imperative to adjust curriculum to the student.
A Curriculum Every Student Can Use Universal Design provides access by building in multiple representations of printed information – both in text and in voice.
Teaching to Each Students Strengths Options for setting level of challenge Permits and encourages the child to manipulate the curriculum. Built-in accommodations saves time and energy for the teacher
What does Access to the Curriculum Mean? Barriers to access must be removed, but the curriculum MUST continue to challenge them. A student must be able to INTERACT with the curriculum to learn.
Representation Information presented in multiple ways: –change text size and color –convert to speech Examples: -Talking word processors -Word prediction -Screen readers
Expression Supports for writing –on screen keyboards –voice recognition –spell checkers Supports for drawing –KidPix Structure –Inspiration
Pre-School/Early Elementary Computer Touch Screen Expanded Keyboard Switches Toys Keyguard Moisture Guard Software
Software Requirements Readiness Open-ended Talking word processor Word prediction Multi-media Voice Recognition Scan-to-Read
Examples of Software with UDL features Kurzweil 3000 Baileys Book House Intellitalk WiggleWorks Write: OutLoud
Websites on UDL CAST (Center for Applied Special Technology) Technology for Students with Disabilities Tech Pack: The Computer Assessibility Technology Packet
Computer Expert Choose a student who will help the others Or Create a Tech Team
Keep Monitor where you can see it at all times. Make the Schedule chart large enough so you can see it at a glance to keep up with who is working.
Have computer rules where students can see them! Have directions written and for those who need to hear the directions, have a tape player. Have head phones for the noisy activity!
Technology Center Supplies Disks Pencils/ Paper Printing paper Printing in color is expensive: agree as a class to color just certain things. Quick tips should be handy for upper grades. Everyone should know who to go to for help/ Technology Manager.
Nice to have.... Scanner Digital camera to make your computer center complete!
Students will need large blocks of time. Integrating the computer into a lesson Playing a game or practicing after other work has been finished. Not as much time is needed Will be different for each child.
Technology Team Chart
Use a timer or other devices for keeping up with each group or with each person on time spent at computer station.
Timers to use... Egg Timer Harmony Hollow The Cool Timer
Whole Class First Group or Individual
Go over rules and directions of the activity General rules such as: Cleaning up, timing, how to read the chart Directions should be clear and posted at the computer station.
Author Station Add cardboard, binding materials, and markers
Math Station Have easy access to online activities such as drill and practice. Web folders on desktop so students can access the activity for the day. Science Corner Have an experiment located next to the computer and have a folder with directions for the computer activity. Website activity icon on desktop for easy access for students. Track - Star Icon on desktop for easy access
Each of us have different teaching styles Use technology differently Secret is to tap potential of technology and incorporate to the fullest.