Exercise USDA Recommendations Nutrition & Heart Disease Nutrition & Diabetes Nutritional Food Groups
QUESTION: The USDA recommends you limit foods with these two added ingredients. ANSWER: What is sugar and fat?
QUESTION: The USDA recommends no more than this percentage of calories should come from saturated fat. ANSWER: What is 10%?
QUESTION: This is the number of alcoholic drinks the USDA recommends that women drink no more than per day. ANSWER: What is one?
QUESTION: This is the number of milligrams of cholesterol the USDA recommends Americans consume no more than each day. ANSWER: What is 300?
QUESTION: The USDA recommends that pregnant women consume no more than this number of ounces of fish each week. ANSWER: What is 6?
QUESTION: These two types of food are good sources of fiber, vitamins, and minerals and should be a large part of the diet of someone who has heart disease. ANSWER: What are fruits and vegetables?
QUESTION: People with heart disease should eat this number of servings a day of grain products. ANSWER: What is six?
QUESTION: People with heart disease should stay away from this type of protein. ANSWER: What is high fat meats?
QUESTION: People with heart disease should eat this number servings of fish each week. ANSWER: What is two?
QUESTION: This type of margarine is best for people with heart disease. ANSWER: What is tub or liquid?
QUESTION: This is the biggest risk factor for developing diabetes. ANSWER: What is being overweight?
QUESTION: People with diabetes are resistant to this. ANSWER: What is insulin?
QUESTION: A diabetic should avoid eating this food group with their meal if they want to eat a small dessert. ANSWER: What is complex carbohydrates such as bread, rice and pasta?
QUESTION: Diabetics must be careful when consuming these types of drinks because they can contain hidden carbohydrates. ANSWER: What are alcoholic drinks?
QUESTION: Diabetics tend to overlook doing this in helping to manage their diabetes. ANSWER: What is exercise?
QUESTION: The USDA recommends that these two food groups occupy half of your plate. ANSWER: What are fruits and vegetables?
QUESTION: This food group includes milk, cheese and yogurt. ANSWER: What is dairy?
QUESTION: Although beans are considered a vegetable they are also part of this food group. ANSWER: What is protein?
QUESTION: Food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal and barley are a part of this food group. ANSWER: What is grains?
QUESTION: The USDA recommends that half of your daily allowance of grains be of this type. ANSWER: What is whole grains?
QUESTION: The USDA defines this as any movement of the body that uses energy. ANSWER: What is exercise?
QUESTION: This type of exercise is easier on your joints than running but should be done briskly to get the most benefit. ANSWER: What is walking?
QUESTION: This type of exercise is done in water. ANSWER: What is swimming or water aerobics?
QUESTION: This type of exercise burns more calories than most and can be done sitting down. ANSWER: What is bicycling?
QUESTION: This is the amount of time that the USDA recommends adults spend each week doing moderate exercise. ANSWER: What is two hours and 30 minutes?