Seminar aus Computergrafik WS 2012/2013 Przemyslaw Musialski Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms (E186) Vienna University of Technology
Organization (1) Important: Register in TUWEL!TUWEL – This seminar is managed with the TUWEL platform. FORUM: All news will be announced in the News Forum.News Forum – Questions can also be posted in the forum. Registration is mandatory. – You can register starting on until on TUWEL.TUWEL 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/20132
Organization (2) Starting today at 2pm the subscription will open in form of waiting lists – subscribe to 3 topics until today, 11pm. – Groups of two: write me an and subscribe to the waiting-lists as usual. The final topic assignments we be available tomorrow before noon. After that the subscription to the remaining topics will stay open until 29th of October /8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/20133
Organization (3) There will be regular meetings (up to 6) with the advisor – Meetings to be set up personally using TUWEL forum. Discussion per TUWEL-Forum is also possible – Ask questions – Explain your progress – Set up dates for appointments. Important: always submit any assignments to TUWEL! 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/20134
Seminar Mission statement: – Get an idea how scientific work is carried out (in CG) Practice to review literature and get familiar with a particular scientific topic – Selecting, reading and understanding – Summarizing and explaining (orally and written) – Comparing and discussing Practice to review the works of others Practice to give a talk Experience critical scientific discussion 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/20135
Seminar Tasks: 1.Submit initial literature list 2.3 Lectures: – „Wie halte ich einen Vortrag“ (Prof. Purgathofer), – „Forschung und wie sie funktioniert“ (Prof. Gröller), – „How to write a scientific paper“ (Prof. Wimmer) 3.Write a draft of your state-of-the-art report 4.Review a draft of a colleague 5.Give a presentation 6.Active discussion participation 7.Revision of final document 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/20136
Literature List Analyze some recent papers (select with advisor) – study relevant papers for topic understanding Use scientific portals and search engines: Citeseer Google Scholar The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies Graphics Papers ACM Digital Library, SIGGRAPH Proceedings IEEE Computer Society Digital Library Libra Academic Search Links are also online at TUWEL 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/20137
Written Report State-of-the-Art Report: STAR – 8-12 pages per student Preferably in English Format reports in the style of a scientific paper – Use LaTeX (ACM template on TUWEL) – A not so short introduction to LaTeX A not so short introduction to LaTeX – MiKTeX, free distribution of LaTeX for Microsoft Windows MiKTeX – TexnicCenter is an IDE for developing LaTeX documents on Microsoft Windows TexnicCenter Students can work in groups of two – pages common report 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/20138
Scientific Review Review of a paper: – Draft of the report must be submitted – Everyone gets a draft to review Typical review form of a conference (Eurographics) Help author to improve the manuscript Read how to review a scientific paper: – Read Greg Turks Notes: ew_writing.php Read Greg Turks Notes: ew_writing.php Revision – You will receive 2 reviews (supervisor, student) – Improve final submission according to comments in reviews 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/20139
Talk Use PowerPoint template for presentations – (download on TUWEL) minutes talk Preferable in English Active discussion participation is mandatory and will be graded (5%) 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201310
Grading The quality of the written report is worth 40% of the grade The quality of the talk is worth 30% of the grade The quality of the review is worth 20% of the grade Active discussion participation is worth 5% of the grade Attendance during the meetings is worth 5% of the grade 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201311
Important Dates Attend 3 lectures : – :00, “Forschung und wie sie funktioniert” – :00, “Wie halte ich einen Vortrag” – :00, “How to write a scientific paper” Deadline: list of literature Deadline: draft of your paper Receive paper for review Deadline: review Presentations Deadline: final version 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201312
TOPICS (number of students) Please prepare to take some notes... 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201313
– gemeinsam mit Architekturstudenten! – Betreuung: Peter Ferschin, Michael Jenewein – Vorbesprechung: Diensteg , 10:00 Ugr – Seminarraum IEMAR (Treitlstr. 3, 1.Stock) – Recherche zu gewähltem Thema – Auseinandersetzg., Strukturierg., Beurteilg. – Kurzvortrag und schriftl. Beitrag Special Topic: VR in der Architektur 14 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/2013
Topic: Image Stitching State-of-the-art Image Stitching methods for the generation of: – Large panorama views – Seamless import of source image regions into a destination region 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201315
Topic: Virtual Texturing History and state-of-the-art methods of texturing using one huge texture “ MegaTexture“ used by id software 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201316
Topic: Shape and Motion from Video Shape and Motion from Video (Smartphone Crowd) Different smartphones at different times register the same space – Characteristics are low quality, noisy data, missing data in both space and time, position through accelerometer, GPS. Review state-of-the-art techniques to achieve aspects of that specific goal, given its characteristics. 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201317
Topic: Simulation of Out-of-Core Data Review papers dealing with out-of-core data simulations, e.g. fluids (preferably with real- time and interactive focus). 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201318
Topic: Robust Surface Reconstruction Robustness in Surface Reconstruction: – How to deal with missing data – How to deal with noise – How to deal with outliers – How to reconstruct sharp edges from models State-of the art methods in robust surface reconstruction from point clouds 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201319
Topic: Wavelets in CG Give an overview of state-of-the-art uses of wavelets in computer graphics. 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201320
Topic: Video Stabilization Give an overview of state-of-the-art methods in video stabilization and related improvements of video sources. 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201321
Topic: Out-of-Core Surface Reconstruction Estimation of surfaces based on given point data Huge initial data sets Too big to fit into memory for processing 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201322
Topic: Complexity Analysis Multidimensional data structures are used in many fields in computer graphics Data structures are chosen dependent on actual requirements Operations on data structures can be classified according to time complexity TASK: research literature on multi-dimensional data structures and provide a State-of-the-Art Report. ?O(log n) 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201323
Topic: Point Cloud Navigation Visualization of architectural sites. Path planning, collision detection, and free navigation features. Point clouds, not geometric objects. Give overview on state of art 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/ Snap of Hanghäuser in Ephesos taken from Terapoints a software for point clouds visualisation.
Topic: Point Cloud Compression Recent laser scanners produce enormous point clouds. Compression is one way to handle. Give an overview of 3D points compression techniques. 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201325
Research state of the art techniques for rendering of hair in games and movies. Topic: Hair Rendering 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201326
Research automatic algorithms for detection of man-made- objects or other human impact in satellite and aerial images. Topic: Detection of Man-Made-Objects 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201327
Topic: Procedural Texture Synthesis Procedural texture generation is well known as a powerful tool for synthesis of a large range of materials It is also known to be not easy to control Provide a State-of-the-Art Report on that Topic 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201328
Topic: Modeling with Quad-Meshes Quad Meshes are meshes which contain only quadrilateral elements (= quads) They are very useful in modeling and animation Provide a State-of-the-Art Report on that Topic 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201329
Topic: Overview of Interior Design Software Try out solutions for interior modeling and planning compare capabilities, Look for advanced features, Collect background info and Judge about the data structures and algorithms 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201330
Topic: Efficient BSP-Trees Provide an overview of state-of-the-art methods for: – manipulation, – compression, – optimization and – navigation in BSP-Trees. This involves identification of topologically connected regions, removal of redundant nodes and balancing 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201331
Topic: Autostereo Displays Review state-of-the-art – Software – Hardware Discuss – Technical Limitations – Perceptual Problems – User Acceptance – Future Trends 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201332
Topic: Gaze-Contigent Displays Gaze-contingent displays attempt to tailor visual information displayed to the actual focus of the observer, which is determined through real-time eye movement sensing. Research: 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/ Gaze-contigent 3D collision detection Gaze-contigent multi-resolution – LOD Techniques Object space Image space – Eye-related effects Depth-of-field HDR Tonemapping 3D Stereo
Seminar Questions? Use TUWEL to communicate with your supervisor. 10/8/2012 P. Musialski - Seminar aus Computergrafik WS2012/201334