2008 – 2009 Stanislaus County Fitness/Obesity Initiative
How serious is the problem of overweight children in California today? 1,068 random sample CA residents, telephone survey 10-11/ Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious No Opinion
How many children are obese? Since 1963, the number of obese children in the U.S. has tripled!
Stanislaus County Overweight Children
Overweight Students in Cities in Stanislaus County 2004
Comparison of Stanislaus County and California- Adult and Adolescent Overweight/Obese Percent
What children are at greater risk?
Do overweight children grow up to be overweight adults? The older the overweight child is, the more likely he/she will continue to be overweight as an adult. 8 out of 10 overweight teens will continue to be overweight as adults. Preventive Medicine 1993; Vol. 22:pp Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med Vol. 158 May 2004 pp
What behaviors are related to children becoming overweight? Not enough physical activity. Too much TV & video games. Not enough milk, dairy, fruits and vegetables. Too many sweetened drinks (e.g., soda, juice drinks, sports drinks) and too much fast food. Skipping meals and breakfast. Position Paper - Prevention of Childhood Overweight What Should Be Done? Center for Weight and Health - U.C. Berkeley 10/02
How many children have type 2 diabetes? Non-Type 1 Diabetes in children is now 32% of cases (10 fold increase from ). (1) The lifetime risk of developing diabetes for a hispanic female born in the United States in the year 2000 until their death is 1 in 2. (2) This may be the first generation of children who may live less long than their parents as a result of the consequences of overweight and type 2 diabetes. (3) 1. Pediatrics May 2005 Vol. 115 No. 5: pp. e553-e JAMA 2003 October 8;290(14): New Engl J Med Vol. 352(11) March 2005, pp
“I think we’re looking at a first generation of children who may live less long than their parents as a result of the consequences of overweight and type 2 diabetes.” Francine Ratner Kaufman, MD Head, Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism Children’s Hospital Los Angeles The Epidemic of Overweight Children N Engl J Med Vol. 352(11) March 2005, pp
Why is physical activity important? 3 out of 4 children in California fail to meet the minimum fitness standards in 5th, 7th and 9th grade. Being in good shape… – reduces the risk of being overweight and heart disease – is related to better school performance California Department of Education 12/10/02
4 Evidence Based Key Messages for All Families
Are overweight children a personal or community issue? 1,068 random sample CA residents, telephone survey 10-11/2003
Kaiser Permanente’s Approach to Overweight Children Medical Office Visit Interventions Weight Management Interventions Environmental Changes A Ten Year Strategy to Change the Trajectory of the Epidemic
Educational Theatre Program – “Zip’s Great Day!” Developed in consultation with health experts, schools, communities and public health organizations Educates school age children on a range of important health issues including nutrition and physical activity Provided at no cost to schools in Kaiser Permanente communities 845 performances with 243,969 children and 18,209 adults in attendance “I learned not to smoke when you grow up, and to eat good food, and always say “sorry” when you do something bad to another person. You guys are the best!” Zip’s Great Day Participant BestmeRollin.wmv BestmeRollin.wmv
Kaiser has tools you can use… Effective Communication with Families, Kaiser Permanente, © 2004
2008 – 2009 Stanislaus County Fitness/Obesity Initiative
Overarching Goal Reduce Childhood Obesity Increase Overall Fitness (K-12 students)
Objectives Education/Information Campaign Increase Awareness Call to Action Localize Governor’s Challenge
Objective #1 Education/Information Campaign Website Media/Printed Materials
Educator Resources
Member Resources
Media Print Radio
Printed Materials Posters Decals (Teacher packets)
Objective #2 Call to Action Localizing Governor’s Challenge
Challenge is Simple Students need to be ACTIVE! minutes a day for 3 days a week for 30 days
Tracking is Simple Web based
Motivation & Recognition Stanislaus County School Grant Program - $35,000 To promote and/or recognize student participation Grants are based on enrollment (non competitive) Range from $100 - $500 Half forwarded upon application Half forwarded when school reaches 75% completion rate
Additional Individual Student Incentives 30 day passes to In-Shape All high school students who sign up to participate Certificates from the Governor All students who complete one challenge
School Awards - $15,000 Prize Trooper Visits December: Frontrunner Awards Top high school, middle school & two elementary March: Setting the Pace Awards Top four schools May: Overall Champions Top four schools
Teacher/Principal Incentives In-Shape – 30 day free membership YMCA – 30 day free membership Pedometers! Role Models
State Awards (Pending Finalization) Minimum 100 students 3 - Grand Prizes: $100,000 fitness activity centers 11 - $5,000 Awards to purchase physical activity equipment 33 - $1,000 Region Awards – Most active days by January 31, 2009
Community Support Parents Friends Co-Workers Log-On! Record your active days! Support your local school!
Fit for the Future Initial Implementation Timeline
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Champion the initiative in your district Support your district contact – Challenge every principal to appoint a school coordinator Serve as a role model – Start using your pedometer