Observing System Capability Analysis and Review Tool (OSCAR) Detailed functions WIGOS Project Office WMO; Name of Department (ND)
Today Future of WIR OSCAR Volume A / OSCAR – transition plan OSCAR/surface capacity development OSCAR/surface beta-testing Monitoring 2
Future of WIR Operational status and evolution of WIGOS OSCAR Surface Space Analysis Requirements WIR Portal SORT Monitoring, too? Parallel development & timelines 3
Why Care? Benefits for Members through OSCAR/Surface Know what you have o Structured overview of Member’s own observing systems Know what they have o Same structured overview of observing systems in neighboring countries and region Peace of mind o Safe and secure archiving of metadata Know where you should improve o Objective assessment of gaps through the Rolling Review of Requirements process More value for money through collaboration o Enhanced valorization of one Member’s existing observations through use by another Member (and vice versa)
RRR Evolve observing systems rationally WIGOS metadata Enable adequate use of observational data Application of WIGOS metadata RRR and OSCAR
Current status of OSCAR/Surface 6 Successful demonstration of phase 1 prototype at Cg-17 (June 2017) OSCAR Booth OSCAR side Event OSCAR Brochure Members obligations with regard to OSCAR included in Technical Regulations and WIGOS Manual to come into force in July level Beta Testing completed Capacity development ongoing Operational as of December 2015
OSCAR booth 7
OSCAR capacity development Plan is to expose all Members to OSCAR Use regional Workshops / piggy-back ETR Instrument calibration workshops in Barbados and Nairobi Talk about WIGOS in a practical way Metadata leverages work of intrument people Excellent way to see how people interact with OSCAR We have a 1-day programme for you! 8
OSCAR Beta-testing Requested by IPET-WIFI 4-levels of Beta Testing Météo Suisse / WMO team WMO Secretariat internal Member testing 50 Members contacted 34 provided feedback workshops Machine to machine interface 11
Plan for transition from Volume A to OSCAR/Surface Transition period: December December In December 2015, National Focal Points will be given the opportunity to decide between: o providing their WIGOS metadata directly via OSCAR o c ontinuing to provide their metadata through existing WMO procedures Uploads will be possible through: o user editing via the web interface, and o machine to machine interfaces/web service At that point (December 2015), OSCAR will become the official repository of WIGOS metadata, and will serve as the source for Vol. A
Plans for transition from Volume A (Cont.) OSCAR can generate reports similar to the existing Vol. A flat- files available on the WMO website. The new “Vol. A report” will maintain all current column headings but may not contain information in all columns. Station information provided to WMO via current Vol. A procedures will be used to update WIGOS metadata in OSCAR. Protocol and format for feeding information by batch-process into OSCAR to be completed by mid-2016 By December 2017, transition to OSCAR completed; Vol. A will officially cease to exist and related procedures used to maintain station information will be discontinued
WIGOS monitoring Show real time information Component of QM Fault Management Currently getting data from ECMWF/NCEP Pilot Implementation in Q4 14
Machine to Machine Interface Connect National / Regional DBs to OSCAR Requested by Beta-Testers Important to keep OSCAR up-to-date Pilot Project Synchronize DWD station DB with OSCAR Work together with IPET-DRMM How fast do we want to go? 15
Documentation and help OSCAR service desk (Meteo Suisse and WMO) OSCAR User Manual OSCAR inline helps (tooltips) OSCAR capacity development workshops Online materials 16
Last words Many countries / regions appear to have / develop their own station DBs. Can OSCAR not be used instead? Push on Regional Level? 17
Thank you for your attention