CIRDA Procurement – Philosophy leading to Plans and Strategies John T. Snow CTA on Meteorology UNDP-CIRDA. August 2015 After Jeremy Usher June 2015
1.Lack of capacity to independently provide neutral technical specifications (vendor control) 2.Lack of technical capacity within procurement offices to connect requests with project outcomes and outputs (“ATM machine”) 3.Too narrow a focus on speed/spending money rather than ultimate project goals 4.Equipment purchased with little or no implementation capacity (unopened boxes) 5.Narrow focus on hardware/AWS, with little view toward ultimate system use or data integration impact on users Typical Procurement Challenges
1.Maximize to extent possible regional, programmatic consistency 2.Increase purchasing power and obtain economies of scale 3.Enable ease of procurement execution 4.Enable the acquisition of comprehensive solutions, while allowing for the acquisition of individual solution components where appropriate 5.Minimize operational risk through the acquisition of functional end-to-end systems Primary focus is on system innovation for EWS and climate monitoring, not refurbishment/repair, airfield operations, etc… 6.Focus to date is meteorology; hydrology focus coming soon CIRDA Procurement Support Goals
RFP or ITB National Gov’t UNDP CO UNDP PSO LTA UNDP PSO PO UNDP CO UNDP PSO Functional System Acronyms RFP: Request For Proposal (months to execute) ITB: Invitation To Bid (months to execute) LTA: Long Term Agreement PO:Purchase Order (weeks to execute) CO:Country Office PSO:Procurement Support Office (Copenhagen)
Current Status of Procurements 1.As advisory service, not informed of all national activities 2.Several national procurements completed or underway 3.Two procurement modalities – Long Term Agreements (LTAs) i.Traditional Synoptic and Climate Monitoring AWS ii.Comprehensive/End-to-End Innovative Early Warning and Climate Monitoring System
i. Traditional Synoptic and Climate Monitoring AWS Utilizes a previously existing LTA established with Adcon by WFP Utilizes a previously existing LTA established with Adcon by WFP PSO formally enabled access for UNDP CIRDA PSO formally enabled access for UNDP CIRDA Provides a traditional AWS assembled from discrete instruments Provides a traditional AWS assembled from discrete instruments Initial access by Zambia, Burkina Faso, then Uganda (?), … Initial access by Zambia, Burkina Faso, then Uganda (?), … relative to solutions in the new LTAs that are in development does not provide for … Shortcomings relative to solutions in the new LTAs that are in development does not provide for … … built in quality control for the data, … a national scale radar proxy using lightning data, … storm warnings or nowcasts, or … forecasts of the movement of severe weather … forecasts of the movement of severe weather
Six months of technical specification development by CIRDA technical team, based on observations and prior procurement efforts Six months of technical specification development by CIRDA technical team, based on observations and prior procurement efforts International RFP led by PSO to create LTA(s) International RFP led by PSO to create LTA(s) iA comprehensive Early Warning System (EWS) solution supporting monitoring, forecast operations across multiple time scales (now; near ; medium range) ii. A comprehensive Early Warning System (EWS) solution supporting monitoring, forecast operations across multiple time scales (now; near future; medium range)
Components: 1.Current Conditions Network (AWS) 2.Nowcasting system using lightning detection technology 3.Forecasting Solution providing 10-day city forecasts 4.Data Alerting and Visualization System to provide NMHS and the public with early warning messages from components Implementation Services 6.Ongoing maintenance and operational services iA comprehensive Early Warning System (EWS) solution supporting monitoring, forecast operations across multiple time scales (now; near future; medium range) ii. A comprehensive Early Warning System (EWS) solution supporting monitoring, forecast operations across multiple time scales (now; near future; medium range)
Observations and Measurements QA/QC Archive Analysis/Assimilation/ Modeling Global Data and Model Output Product Generation “Last Mile” translation Users Climatology Product V&V