Early Explorers 4 th grade: Melissa Eason. Christopher Columbus Italian explorer Began is voyage in 1492 Hoped to find a route to India in order to trade.


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Presentation transcript:

Early Explorers 4 th grade: Melissa Eason

Christopher Columbus Italian explorer Began is voyage in 1492 Hoped to find a route to India in order to trade for spices He made a total of four trips to the Caribbean and South America 3 ships: Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria

Columbus’ Voyage From Palos, Spain, to the Caribbean islands off southeastern North America

Juan Ponce de Leon Spanish explorer and soldier Began voyage in 1513 First European to set foot in Florida Discovered the Gulf Stream which is a current in the Atlantic Ocean He was searching for the Fountain of Youth and other riches

De Leon’s voyage Sailed from Puerto Rico and reached the east coast of Florida

Hernando DeSoto Spanish explorer Began voyage in in 1531 Sailed the Atlantic Ocean Was the first European to explore Florida spent four years in Florida searching for gold and silver Died during his exploration and is buried on the banks of the Mississippi River

DeSoto’s Voyage Sailed the Atlantic Ocean and was the first European to explore Florida and the southeastern US.

John Smith English adventurer and soldier Began voyage in 1606 Began in England and landed in Virginia Founded Jamestown, Virginia Jamestown was the first permanent English Settlement in North America

Smith’s Voyage Sailed from England and landed in Virginia; then explored the Chesapeake Bay area and Patomic River

Robert LaSalle French Explorer Began his voyage in 1678 Traveled south from Canada and sailed down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. First European to travel the length of the Mississippi River Named the entire Mississippi basin, Louisiana Also explored 4 Great Lakes

La Salle’s Voyage Traveled south from Canada and sailed down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico.

Pierre Francois – Xavier de Charlevoix was a French Jesuit priest, explorer, teacher, and writer Set sail in 1719 Sent from France to explore Canada, to look for a route to the Pacific Ocean He survived a shipwreck in the Gulf of Mexico

Francois – Xavier de Charlevoix’s Voyage Sent from France to explore Canada, to look for a route to the Pacific Ocean. he traveled to the St. Lawrence River area, the Great Lakes region, and the Mississippi River.

Lewis and Clark Lewis and Clark started adventure in 1804 To explore and map out the American West travelled by river and by land from St. Louis, Missouri, to the Oregon coast and back again. Both joined by a Shoshone Indian guide, interpreter, and negotiator Sacajawea. Her extensive contributions to the expedition brought about the Sacajawea dollar coin to the USA in 2000

Lewis and Clark’s Voyage Set out to explore and map the American West. Travelled by river and by land from St. Louis, Missouri, to the Oregon coast (Fort Clatsop), and back again.

Zebulon Pike American explorer and military officer Started adventure in 1805 tried to find the source of the Mississippi River and also explored the Rocky Mountains and southwestern North America. Discovered Pike’s Peak in Colorado, but failed to climb it

Pike’s Voyage Tried to find the source of the Mississippi River and also explored the Rocky Mountains and southwestern North America.