Finding Government Gray Literature
Gray Literature Not commercially published Technical reports, working papers, business documents, proceedings Limited indexing to identify Availability uncertain
When I talk about government publications
All Government Publications Look Alike
All Government Agencies Sound Alike Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife : Salem, Ore.Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife : Salem, Ore. Washington Department of Fish and WildlifeWashington Department of Fish and Wildlife Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife ResourcesKentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Vermont Fish & WildlifeVermont Fish & Wildlife US Fish and Wildlife ServiceUS Fish and Wildlife Service
All Government Publications Have the Same Title
All Agencies Have the Same Name Corporate name cataloging protocols Abbreviations for agencies Agencies change names Call numbers built from agency
Cataloging Practices Geological Survey (U S)Geological Survey (U S U S Dept Of Commerce Washington (State) State Board For Community College EducationWashington (State) State Board For Community College Education Oregon. Anadromous Fish Section Washington State University University Of Washington
Finding Aids Google Ask George /Find-it Internet web sites Books
WA Govt Search Engines
WA FIND-IT GOOGLE In October 2005 !
Internet Finding Aids
Print Finding Aid: Andriot’s
Finding Aids for WA Publications Ask George/Find-it search engines Laser Cat Local online catalogs for State Library, large collections, local collections Bibliographies by agencies In development: Agency family charts Ask the State Depository
Title and Agency Search in OCLC
Real Cases
Case 1: The “cat sep” McMillan, Bird Coal washing problems of the Pacific Northwest, University of Washington Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin No. 28, 1924
The OCLC record Coal washing problems of the Pacific Northwest, Earl Renwick McMillan; Byron Matthew Bird 1924 Libraries worldwide that own item: 18 Series: Washington (State) University. Engineering Experiment Station. Engineering Experiment Station series.; Bulletin no. 28;
How the Cite and OCLC differed McMillan, Bird Coal washing problems of the Pacific Northwest, University of Washington Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin No. 28, 1924 Author is different Series “author” is different
Author: university of washington engineering experiment
Holdings of Bound Volumes
Case 2: Who has the geoduck? Short, K.S. & R. Walton (1992) The transport and fate of suspended sediment plumes associated with commercial geoduck harvesting. Final Report. Prepared by Ebasco Environmental for the Washington Department of Natural Resources. 92p
Where the search led
What we had in the collection
Dear Librarian I am trying to find a copy of an old report written by the Secretary of Social and Health Services and the Commissioner of Employment Security. This report describes the system or systems in effect at that time for employer reporting…This report was due in January of 1989 to the Legislature. Case # 3 “It’s kinda like…”
The Clues Dept. of Social and Health Services; Dept. of Employment Securities Report to the Legislature Date: around 1989 ?? Keywords: employer reporting
First search
Additional web sites Google Uncle Sam Washington State Library Catalog Shirley Dallas Washington State Library