Integrity Service Excellence Enlisted Development & Career Growth CMSgt Jeff VanScoy HQ AFMC/FM 16 Aug 12 Air Force Materiel Command
Enlisted Sustainment 2
Projected FM Manning – Sep 12 AIR FORCE AUTH: 1912ASGN: % 310%193%107%88%11694%71% 78%139%
Projected FM Manning – Sep 12 AFMC AUTH: 155ASGN: % 555%207%89%109%100%57%83% 93%136%
Authorization Changes Amn55915%38712%1317% SrA102827%87227%33017% SSgt98626%84226%55328% TSgt61316%57318%50225% MSgt42311%40713%36018% SMSgt983%833%724% CMSgt441%441%251% Total
Adjusted Manning AIR FORCE AUTH: 1906ASGN: % 167%156%105%91%120%89%110% 102%126%
Adjusted Manning AFMC AUTH: 155ASGN: % 167%156%105%91%120%89%110% 102%126%
Education 2460 FM in inventory Nearly 40% have an AA degree 8
AFMC - FM - Education 228 FM in inventory Nearly 32% have an AA degree 9
EPRs - Latest Data OverallBy Rank 10
AFMC EPRs - Latest Data OverallBy Rank 11
FM Deployment Data Courtesy of ACC 12
Silver Flag We still need to know how to operate in bare base locations Mandatory for TSgts -- not a new requirement Looking to make in-residence SF attendance reportable in SORTs Beta tested SF refresher via DCO –6 participated -- need some adjustments –May replace CCFC for 7-levels Classes for FY13 available 13
All Things Financial (ATF) Change expectation of our RAs -- Change how we deliver service Place FMer in a different Sqdrn –Stays on CPTS UMD -- unit determined by need –Handles Budget/Accounting/Travel/Mil Pay –Need to verify system access -- leadership –Change how/when FMers learn/perform skills –All we are adding is Mil Pay Being tested at SFG -- looking for other units to try Way ahead –Prepare enlisted corps when AF-IPPS comes sit in FMF –Teach both/learn both/do both 14
Roadmap 15
Opportunities Center of Expertise AFAFO Learning Center Special Duty EQUAL Plus 16
Leadership Thoughts Bloom where you are planted Look for leadership opportunities Challenges are growth opportunities Leadership is about relationships 17
The Next to Last Slide ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 18