Names: -Claudio Silva -René Salcedo G Grade: IVº A Date: 20/09 Teacher: Miss Angela Chaparro THE CHILEAN AIRFORCE
INTRODUCTION The Chilean Airforce is one of the branches of the Chilean Armed Forces. It`s specialized in air warfare and operations related to aeronautics. It`s the most powerful airforce in Southamerica. It was formed in March 21, 1930
PLACES WHERE YOU CAN STUDY THE CAREER Capitán Ávalos Aviation School Sargento Menadier Specialities School
SALARY Ofiicers graduate from the “Capitan Avalos School” earning $ pesos, and at their higher rank (Air General) they earn $ pesos. Sub-Officers graduate from the “Sargento Menadier School” earning $ pesos and at the higher rank (non-commisioned officer) they earn $ pesos.
SKILLS Officers and sub-officers of the Chilean Airforce are instructed in the develop of areas of ethics, moral and culture, besides physical excercise, attitudes and skills on aeronautics, administration, militar strategies and the use of different weapons and advanced equipment. Their instruction also includes academic studies in areas such as mathematics language, english, algebra, etc.
CONCLUSION importancia