Agricultural Education
Georgia Ag Ed Pathways Peach State Pathways PathwayDevelopment Date Implementation Date Phase I Agriscience Phase II Plant Science/Horticulture Forestry/Natural Resources Phase III Agricultural Mechanics Agribusiness Management Animal Science
Agriscience Pathway *Basic Agricultural Science and Technology *Plant Science and Biotechnology *Animal Science and Biotechnology Biotechnology *Required Courses in Pathways
Horticulture Pathway *Basic Agricultural Science and Technology *General Horticulture *Nursery and Landscape Floriculture Production and Management *Required Courses in Pathways
Forestry/Natural Resources Pathway *Basic Agricultural Science and Technology *Forestry Science I *Wildlife Management Natural Resources and Forestry Management *Required Courses in Pathways
Agricultural Mechanics Pathway DRAFT *Basic Agricultural Science and Technology *Ag. Mechanics Tech I *Ag. Mechanics Tech II Ag. Mechanics Tech III Ag. Electricity and Electrical Controls Ag. Construction Ag. Metal Fabrication Ag. Power and Machinery *Required Courses in Pathways
Agribusiness Management Pathway DRAFT *Basic Agricultural Science and Technology *Ag Leadership and Program Development *Agricultural Business and Management Cooperative Sales and Marketing I Co-op I Co-op II *Required Courses in Pathways
Animal Science Pathway DRAFT *Basic Agricultural Science and Technology *Agricultural Animal Production and Management *Animal Science and Biotechnology Veterinary Science Equine Science Small Animal Care *Required Courses in Pathways
Upcoming FFA Event Dates Super SaturdayCovingtonMarch 15 State Livestock CDEAthensMarch 29 State Dairy CDEAthensApril 12 State Officer InterviewsCovingtonApril 19 State FFA ConventionMaconApril State Horse CDEAthensMay 3 State Junior National ResourcesAthensMay 3 State Forestry CDEMaconMay 7 Washington Leadership Conference Washington D.C.June FFA Executive Secretary Ben Lastly 316 Poultry Science Building, UGA Athens, GA
Spring Updates The following slides contain instructions for completing the following forms: FY 2008 Performance Evaluation FY2009 Program of Work FY2009 Agricultural Education Local Plan FY2009 Agricultural Education Budget Template
Agriculture Teacher Evaluation Process A. Every Agriculture Teacher receiving extended day / extended year will need to complete the Performance Evaluation - It can be found on the Georgia Ag-Ed Web site in the teacher reports section - It is on the same document as the Program of Work. - Select teachers will be notified for an on-site visit by the state Ag-Ed staff in order to complete the performance evaluation. Those teachers not notified will be asked to complete the performance evaluation on their own. B.The Performance Evaluation (on the Program of Work) will be accessible on the Ag. Ed. Website ( beginning April 7 th, Teachers should complete this between April 7 – 29, C.The Agriculture Teacher should submit a SIGNED paper copy of the evaluation to the Local CTAE Supervisor by April 29 th, for your use in completing the FY 2009 Agriculture Local Plan. We will not require a “hardcopy” to be sent to the state Ag-Ed office.
Agriculture Teacher Program of Work A. Every Agriculture Teacher receiving extended day / extended year will need to complete the Program of Work - It can be found on the Georgia Ag-Ed Web site in the teacher reports section B.The Program of Work will be accessible on the Ag. Ed. web site ( beginning April 7 th, Teachers should complete this between April 7 – 29, C.The Agriculture Teacher should submit a SIGNED paper copy of the Program of Work to the Local CTAE Supervisor by April 29 th, 2008 for your approval. *NOTE: Two documents will be given to you by each local Ag. Teacher for your review. -The “Program of Work and Performance Evaluation - July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008” - The “Program of Work and Performance Evaluation – July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009” *These documents are combined on the online system to make it easy to compare what is anticipated in the Program of Work for the school year and what was actually accomplished during the school year in the Performance Evaluation (there is no need to send these “hardcopy” documents to the State Ag-Ed Office).
AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION BUDGET TEMPLATE WORKSHEET A.The budget template worksheet is a Micro-soft Excel template that can be located on the Georgia Agricultural Education Web site ( or the CTAE section on the Georgia Department of Education Web site ( *(see the sample handout of the FY09 Ag-Ed budget template) B. Save this Workbook to your computer. The tabs for each page are located at the bottom of the workbook. Instructions are found on the first tab. C. Send a Copy of the Excel Workbook to the AG. Region Coordinators by May 2, this is simply to verify the amounts requested and to insure accuracy in the allocations. - this will also help determine if funds are available for extended day / extended year. D. The Ag. Region Coordinator will return the verified copy of the Excel document “Agricultural Education Budget Template Worksheet” to the local CTAE Supervisor by May 13, Please use this verified document to upload onto the consolidated application by May 15, 2008.
AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION LOCAL PLAN DOCUMENT A.The FY 09 Agricultural Education Local Plan is a Micro-soft Word Document that can be located on the Georgia Agricultural Education Web site ( or the CTAE section of the Georgia Department of Education Web site ( B. Save the Word Document to your computer and complete the needed information. - your local agriculture teacher can assist with this application. C. Upload the Word Document to the Consolidated Application (by May 15, 2008) in each section that applies to your Agricultural Education Program. - example: Ag. Extended Day, Ag. Extended Year, Food Processing, Young Farmers, etc…
DOUBLE CHECK DEADLINES -Receive a hard copy of the Ag. Teachers FY08 Performance Evaluation and the FY09 Program of Work by April 29 th, 2008 (from your Ag. Teacher) *(this is for your records and does not need to be sent to the state Ag. Office) - the FY 09 AG. Budget template worksheet (excel document) to the AG. Region Coordinator by May 2 nd, You should receive the verified FY09 AG. Budget Template by May 13, 2008 via from the AG. Region Coordinator. -Upload the verified FY 09 AG. Budget Template (excel document) and the FY 09 AG. Local Plan (word document) to the consolidated application by May 15, *No paper copies with signatures are required to be sent to the State Ag-Ed Office. The “sign-off” on the consolidated application will indicate local approval of assurances.
Agricultural Education UPDATE (for completing the FY 09 AG. local plan) Common Questions that may arise: 1.If the Agriculture Teachers Position is Vacant; How do I complete the Ag. Budget Template Worksheet for allocations on Extended day / year? ANSWER: For teacher name, list VACANT, and then allocate the amounts for an entry level person. (T-4 certificate & 0 years experience) Then as soon as the position is filled, send the teacher information to the Ag. Region Coordinator and there will be a budget amendment completed sometime during the school year.
Agricultural Education UPDATE (for completing the FY 09 AG. local plan) Common Questions that may arise: 2. Where do I locate the salary information needed to complete the Ag. Budget Template Worksheets? ANSWER: As soon as the FY09 Teacher Salary Schedule is available, it will be posted on the Georgia Department of Education Web site ( and the Georgia Agricultural Education Web site ( Also, if there are any questions about completing the Ag. Budget template worksheet, you may contact the Ag. Region Coordinators for assistance.
Agricultural Education UPDATE (for completing the FY 09 AG. local plan) Common Questions that may arise: 3. What do I need to upload to the consolidated application? ANSWER: There are two documents that will need to be attached to the Consolidated Application for any of the AG. State grants. The Ag. Local Plan is an eight page Word Document and the Ag. Budget Template Worksheet is an Excel spreadsheet. Also, both of these documents will need to be attached to each section of the Consolidated Application where they apply. For Example: both documents will need to be attached to the Ag. Extended Day section & the Ag. Extended Year section. If You have a young farmer program, both documents will need to be attached to that section. If you have a canning plant, both documents will need to be attached to that section as well.
Agriculture Update (continued) Young Farmer Program The Young Farmer Program of Work is to be completed by April 29 for each teacher in your system. If you have a vacant position, please have the new teacher complete the Program of Work as soon as they are hired. The final deadline for newly hired teachers to complete the Program of Work is August 15, Applications for funding received after May 15, 2008 will be considered for approval later in the year.
Agriculture Update (continued) Young Farmer Program (Cont.) If you have a Part-Time Young Farmer Position, please contact your Regional Coordinator for directions on completing the funding application. Travel grants will be $3, The local match for travel is $1, If your system does not have a Young Farmer Position, please delete the $3, from your budget summary.
Agriculture Update (continued) Food Processing The food processing grants will be awarded upon the completion of the following items: FY 2009 Budget template with required employee, salary, and days of operation completed. The Agricultural Education Region Coordinators will be forwarding Food Processing allotments to the Local Systems within the next week.
Agriculture Update (continued) Industry Certification For Renewal of Industry Certification or Initial Certification, complete the FY 2009 Initial / Renewal Industry Certification application which is part of the Agricultural Education Local Plan. A dollar amount has NOT been decided for certification at this point.
Agricultural Education Contacts North Region Mr. John (Chip) Bridges Central Region Mrs. Cindy Greene South Region Mr. Melvin Thompson Mr. John Wilkinson, Program Manager Agricultural Education Georgia Department of Education 1752 Twin Towers East Atlanta, Georgia 30034