The Institute for Geothermal Research (IGR DSC RAS) Shamil avenue, No. 39A, – Makhachkala, Republic of Daghestan, RUSSIA tel. (fax) (8722)
The Institute for Geothermal Research (IGR DSC RAS) The Institute for Geothermal Research (IGR DSC RAS) is organized in 1980 according to the Resolution of the Presidium of the Academy Sciences of the USSR N 571 of June 19, 1980.The Institute for Geothermal Research (IGR DSC RAS) is organized in 1980 according to the Resolution of the Presidium of the Academy Sciences of the USSR N 571 of June 19, The Institute for Geothermal Research from May 2002 is a structural unit of RAS in the structure of the Daghestan Scientific Centre RAS and the Department of Power Engineering, Mechanics and Processes of Management RAS.The Institute for Geothermal Research from May 2002 is a structural unit of RAS in the structure of the Daghestan Scientific Centre RAS and the Department of Power Engineering, Mechanics and Processes of Management RAS.
The Institute for Geothermal Research (IGR DSC RAS) The main directions of scientific research of the Institute heat physics and hydrodynamics of systems of geothermal power engineering;heat physics and hydrodynamics of systems of geothermal power engineering; study of spatial and temporal structure of geothermal fields;study of spatial and temporal structure of geothermal fields; scientific and technical grounds of extraction and complex development of geothermal resources.scientific and technical grounds of extraction and complex development of geothermal resources.
The Institute for Geothermal Research (IGR DSC RAS) In the Institute there are 127 of employees, including 73 of scientific workers: 16 of Doctors and 30 Masters of Science.In the Institute there are 127 of employees, including 73 of scientific workers: 16 of Doctors and 30 Masters of Science. Doctor of Technical Sciences Alkhasov Alibek Basyrovich is a director of the Institute.Doctor of Technical Sciences Alkhasov Alibek Basyrovich is a director of the Institute.
The Institute for Geothermal Research (IGR DSC RAS) In the structure of the Institute there are two departments: - the department of power engineering and geothermomechanics, - the department of physical and technical grounds of geothermy, joining 7 laboratories: - laboratory of power engineering, - laboratory of geothermomechanics, - laboratory of complex research of renewable energy sources, - laboratory of physics and chemistry of thermal water, - laboratory of regional geothermy, - laboratory of isotopic analysis and radiogenic heat.
The Institute for Geothermal Research (IGR DSC RAS) The collaborators of the Institute have published more than 1300 scientific works, including 30 monographs and proceedings, more than 350 papers in central and international press, have got 27 patents and certificates for inventions.
The Institute for Geothermal Research (IGR DSC RAS) In the IGR technologies of effective development of geothermal and other associated types of energy in a wide range of temperature of a heat carrier are elaborated and substantiated, including complex processing of stratal water with the goal to extract valuable organic salts and materials.
The Institute for Geothermal Research (IGR DSC RAS) Realization of the program "Geothermal heat supply of Makhachkala town on the basis of heat pump systems with total capacity 40 Mwt" is begun. A number of innovation projects of the Institute, including "Creation of energy- biological complex on the basis of explored geothermal resources of the Northern Daghestan" and other are admitted to introduction in different objects of Machachkala and the Republic of Daghestan.
The Institute for Geothermal Research (IGR DSC RAS) The Institute is cooperated with WREC (UK), is an associative member of the Geothermal Energy Society of Russia and IGA.
The Institute for Geothermal Research (IGR DSC RAS) A list of foreseen contribution to all specialized Workshops: -Prospects of increase of two-contour Geo PP capacity. -Increasing the efficiency of geothermal heat utilization. -Prospects of development of geothermal resources of the Northern Caucasus. -Identification of dissolved organic substances of Daghestan thermal waters deposits. -Methods of computation of technological processes of underground heat extraction.