Biotechnology in Livestock Production Definition ntnthe science of altering genetic and reproductive processes in plants and animals.


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Presentation transcript:

Biotechnology in Livestock Production

Definition ntnthe science of altering genetic and reproductive processes in plants and animals

Two areas ngngenetic engineering nenembryo transfer

Genetic Engineering ninis based on a technology involving recombinant DNA nDnDeoxyribonucleic acid

nininvolves taking a tiny bit of DNA containing the desired gene from one organism and splicing it into the DNA strand of another organism

npnpurpose - to have the recipient organism take on the characteristic controlled by the transferred gene

Examples ndndisease resistant animals ngngrowth regulators new drugs and vaccines

nsnspecify size and sex of animals nonorganism that eats oil used in the Persian Gulf

BST nBnBovine Somatotropin (Bovine Growth Hormone) nSnSomatotropins are proteins that affect the utilization of energy in the body

ncncauses energy derived from feed to be used for milk production rather than weight gain

ndndoes not reduce energy available for body maintenance ninincreases energy available by improving breakdown of fat and increasing appetite

nsnsmall amounts of BST are produced naturally in the cow by the pituitary gland

npnpreviously, the only source of BST for research has been from pituitary glands of dead cows

now, because of genetic engineering, large quantities of BST can be produced

ngngene that controls BST production is spliced into the DNA of a bacteria Agrobacteria ninis injected into a cow

BST ncncausing increased BST production in the cow

nrnresearch at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Cornell University in New York has showed an average increase of 40% over lactation (305 days)

Formula n2n20,000# X 40% = 8000# of extra milk $10/cwt =$800

Porcine Somatotropin ninis produced naturally by the pituitary gland of the pig ninit acts as a growth regulator

PST npnproduction decreases as an animal matures

npnproduced through RDNA technology

nhnhow it works A. causes an increase in cell division in muscle tissue. B. causes decrease in fat storage and increases in accumulation of protein.

nCnC. improves feed efficiency and decrease fat deposition

Results nAnA. increase in feed efficiency 29% nBnB. increase daily gain 19% nCnC. increase loin eye area 12% nDnD. decreases fat 33%

nmnmust be injected daily

Opposition to Biotech npnpeople fear npnproduction of new uncontrollable disease nfnfreak animals

nlnlong term adverse effects of environment from products

Biotech in Crop Production nlnlowered costs and increased yields ninimproved feeding values new corn plant

npnproduces higher levels of tryptophan nanamino acid essential for protein formation in an animals body.

ntnthe first plant patented

Other areas researched nhnherbicide resistance npnpest resistance nfnfrost resistance nsnsalt tolerant ndndrought resistance

Embryo Transfer nwnwell established in cattle industry, especially dairy

Process ncncow is treated with hormones to cause superovulation ncncan produce as many as 25 eggs

Process ndndonor cow then artificially inseminated

ndnduring this process, Recipient cows or heifers are treated with hormones to synchronize their heat cycle to be the same as the donor cow.

Process nanafter the eggs are fertilized and before they leave the oviduct, the cow is flushed with a saline solution or a solution of egg yolk and D.M.S.O.

Process nonovaries and oviducts are massaged & flushed with fluid-which washes the fertilized eggs out of the body into a cylinder

ninindividual embryos are located under a microscope and put into a straw

nenembryos may be frozen much the same as cattle semen samples nfnfirst research in the U.S. was done in central WI in 1982

nfnfreezing protocol now widely used nmnmost transfer work is done non-surgically with success rates of approximately 75%

Splitting nrnresearch has also successfully split embryos resulting in as many as 5 identical calves

Slow Progress nmnmany characteristics are controlled by multiple genes instead of a single gene

nlnlack of money for research ngngovernment regulations nenenvironmental groups filing lawsuits to stop research and testing

nmnmany farmers dont support genetic engineering because they feel we already have surplus production