Counting Calories Judy Gray Royka Health and Wellness AH The College of the Marshall Islands Fall 2011
My Health Class All female, developmental, ESL, first generation college students. Monday exercise day & Wednesday health topic seminar Students have looked at nutrition, label reading and exercise program creation. This project is used to assess if students can calculate how many calories they need to burn to lose weight.
You are what you eat! Every pound of fat takes 3500 calories to burn off. One junk food or fast food meal can have the same calories with 40% of daily fat. You need to choose 3 types of exercise to do over a few weeks to burn off a pound.
Let’s do an example together. I want to lose 1 pound= 3500 calories. Walk for 30 minutes 120 calories Walk 4 days a week 120 X 4 = weeks in the program 480 X 4 =1920
3500 – 1920 = 1580 calories to go. I am still working on that one pound. Dancing one hour 320 calories 4 weekends 320 X 4 = 1280 Take that off my total calories 1580 – 1280 = 300
300 calories to go! Aerobics 350 calories 4 weeks 1400 calories Left over amount to burn 300
ONE POUND GONE ! 1100 Calories more is 1/3 of another pound lost!! Total Calories Pound goal 3500s Extra Calories 1100
Time to do your own project. Look at the exercise and calorie chart. (you have a paper copy already) Choose 3 exercises you will add. ExerciseCalories burned in an hour (approximately) Moderate walking240 Aerobics (class or video)350 Basketball400 Volleyball280 Jogging450 Running560 Tai Chi280 Weight lifting250 Stretching150 Swimming550 Dancing320 Bicycling300 Calisthenics (push ups/sit ups etc)260 Tennis400
Use the worksheet to figure out your weight loss program. Hand this page in next Wednesday.