“D IXON H EALTHCARE “Exercise for Life
Gain energy and stamina Feel and look better Live longer and healthier
"E XERCISE Q & A" How much do I need? 30 minutes Moderate intensity (such as brisk walking) Five days a week How can I lose weight? Increase your activity gradually The more active you are, the greater the benefits How can I exercise on a budget? Walk instead of drive Turn household chores into workouts Improvise with household items, such as canned goods instead of hand weights
S IX R EASONS TO E XERCISE Exercise: 1. Brightens your mood 2. Can be fun 3. Reduces your health risks 4. Manages your weight 5. Strengthens your body 6. Improves the quality of your sleep Exercise: 1. Brightens your mood 2. Can be fun 3. Reduces your health risks 4. Manages your weight 5. Strengthens your body 6. Improves the quality of your sleep
G ETTING S TARTED C HECKLIST Determine your fitness level Take your resting and active pulse rate Time a one-mile walk Design a plan Set goals Create a schedule Choose activities you enjoy Gather equipment Take action Start slowly Add challenges gradually Monitor your progress
F INDING T IME At home Wake up early Combine chores and exercise Involve others Away from home Join a team Join a club Plan active outings At work Commute actively Take the stairs Take fitness breaks Involve your co-workers
E LEMENT TO ELEMENT 1. Aerobic activity 2. Muscular fitness 3. Stretching 4. Core flexibility 1. Aerobic activity 2. Muscular fitness 3. Stretching 4. Core flexibility
"E XERCISE T IPS " Check with your doctor first Choose fun activities Play music Exercise with friends Find a convenient time and place