Terms wpwpruning - removal of parts of the top or root systems of plants wfwfruit spur - stubby, fruit bearing twig
wtwtranslocation - movement of water and soluble minerals from one part of the plant to another
wiwinhibit - prohibit or slow action whwhormones - chemical compounds produced by plant. Regulate plant functions
wtwtwig - very small branch of a tree wcwcane - stem of various fruits. Ex: raspberry
wswshoot - small outgrowth on a bush
Facts wgwgenerally has no specific season wcwcontinuous process wswserves a purpose for the plant
wewenhances ornamental value wgwgenerally prune with natural form of the plant, not against it
Purposes wrwremove diseased, dead, or damaged limbs wrwrestrict or promote growth wdwdevelop certain forms of growth
Methods of pruning wrwroot wswshoot or stem
Stem pruning wrwreduces amount of growth wiwinfluences vegetative reproductive balance of the plant wrwreduces plant size, yield, and total amount of growth
wIwIncreases supply of essential elements to the points of growth that remain
wpwpromotes the making of cells and the utilization of carbohydrates wswstimulates vegetative phase, retards reproductive phase
Root pruning wawaffects total amount of growth made wrwreduces amount of available essential elements - causes dwarfing
wiwinfluences vegetative reproductive balance of plant wpwpromotes root growth
wfwfavors reproduction, retards vegetative phase wuwused to prepare plants for transplanting
Top Pruning whwheading back wtwthinning out
Heading back wtwterminal - top portion is removed wswstimulates development of more points of growth
wiwinduces compact, dense, or branched type of growth wrwremoves hormones that inhibit branching
Thinning out wewentire twig, cane, or shoot is removed wdwdoes not prevent development of lateral buds wiwinduces open type of growth
General rules wuwuse correct tools for the job wpwprune back to existing bud or to a side branch wnwnever leave a stub!!!!!!!!!!
wcwcut larger limbs in three steps wdwdraw the illustration on the board silly teacher! :)
General Rules wpwpruning in summer results in greater dwarfing than pruning in late winter months
wbwbuy and plant trees and shrubs that have the characteristics and shape that you want
Pruning tools wtwthumb and forefinger wpwpinch off shoots wpwpinch off unwanted buds, long stems, and fruit spurs wswsnap off faded blooms or seed pods
Edgers wewenable user to stand and cut the edges of lawns wawalso used on ground covers
Grass Shear wuwused to cut grass around sidewalks, driveways and planting beds
Lopping Shears wuwuse when added leverage is needed wuwused for reaching into trees wswsmall branches or twigs
Pruning Shears wmwmany types
Hedge Shears whwhand operated wewelectric or gas powered
Pruning Saws wcwcut quickly wuwuseful in overhead work wswstraight or curved
Pole Pruners & Saws wuwused to cut or saw branches high overhead wtwtelescoping - go up to 18 feet
How and When wDwDeciduous Shade Trees when - dormant - early spring before leafing out wewexception - bleeder trees - Mid June
Bleeder trees wSwSugar Maple
What to look for wCwCentral Leader - single leader wmwmultiple leaders - narrow crotch angles in time will break
What to Look for wswscaffold branches wcwcrotch angle degrees wlwlimbs spirally arranged wpwprune off lower limbs 8-10 feet high
wdwdistance vertically between scaffold branches wlwlowest branch on SW side wrwremove suckers - weak wood wrwremove hangers
wrwremove water sprouts wrwremove parts growing in toward center of trees
Fruit Tree Pruning wswspurs - majority of fruit production is borne on spurs wowopen tree up to let light into spurs wswspurs bear fruit every other year
Evergreens wdwdont respond well to pruning wbwbroadleaf - like deciduous flowering shrubs
Evergreens wnwneedle types - pines, spruce, fir, juniper, yews, respond better wswspruce or fir - single needle prune back to 1/4 inch above axillary bud
Junipers & Yews wawawl shaped needles wpwprune spring to mid summer when temperature is above freezing
Pine wcwcandle growth - new growth from tip of branches, milky green color wrwremove 1/3 to 1/2 of candle growth in the spring
Deciduous shrubs wswspring flowering - lilac, honeysuckle wswset flower buds during previous year wpwprune after flowering
Summer flowering wrwroses, hydrangia wswset flower buds same year that they flower in spring wpwprune before bud set
Deciduous shrubs wawavoid August and September pruning for all deciduous material