HIPAA Compliance
What is it? The federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of Ensures the privacy rights of patients
ePHI Electronic protected health information – All health information covered under HIPAA Anything that is – Produced – Saved – Transferred – Received In electronic form
What information is protected? Patient name Addresses Social Security Number Medical Record Number Addresses Photo Images
Technical side of things Access Control Audit Controls Integrity Authentication Transmission Security Contingency Planning
Access Control Unique user identification Emergency Access Procedure Automatic Logoff Encryption & Decryption
Authentication Verify people trying to access ePHI
Transmission Control Integrity Controls Encryption
Audit Controls Logs of transactions & information changes
Integrity ePHI is not changed or altered
Contingency Planning Emergency Mode
But how can I make it happen? Firewalls User Accounts Security Software Procedures
Why go through the trouble?
Non-Compliance Fines ViolationPer Violation Did Not Know$100-$50,000 Reasonable Cause$1,000-$50,000 Willful Neglect $10,000-$50,000
History Enitity- CIGNET WellPoint Blue Cross Idaho State U Voilation- Database Error Unencrypted USB Stolen Unencrypted Drive Stolen Breach of unsecured data Fine $4,300,000 $1,700,000 $1,500,000 $400,000 Penalty for HIPAA Violation
Questions? Keith Bell – – Ned Einsig – –