You’ll get a lot more from the course if you ask questions. If I don’t know the answer, I will find out before the end of the course.
Day 1: Configuration Review VTScada. Basic configuration tools. Advanced network design. Day 2: Expressions & Advanced Tag Configuration Complex objects to simplify development. Day 3: The Scripting Language Modules. States. Really fancy stuff. Day 4: More Scripting. Reports. Build your own report modules.
9:00 a.m. Start 10:30 a.m. Break (15 min) 12:00Lunch (1 hr) 1:00 p.m. Afternoon Start 3:00 p.m. Break (15 min) 4:30 – 5:00 p.m. End of day (This is flexible)
Everything you need to know from the Level One course, in one hour or less Building blocks...
Create and manage applications. View and set general properties Configure the VTS Internet Server
Hold the visible bits. Can be customized for windowed or full screen, borders, background, scaled, name. Can be parameterized. Draw one control panel and use it for many sites. (Now with maps.) You can customize & control navigation between pages.
Where all the development tools are. Can toggle between run-mode & development.
Encapsulate “things” in the physical system. A TCP port, a device driver, an I/O addresses on the PLC, a modem, a switch... Also encapsulate VTS “things”: an alarm, a logger, a calculated expression, a report trigger... Drawn on a page so that operators can monitor equipment.
Where you create and manage tags. Be a power user. There are many tools in the tag browser to help you be more efficient.
Primary tool: The System Historian tag. This does the writing. You can control where, and what format. Logger tags link numeric tags to Historians. Use only where the tag in question doesn’t have a link of its own. Add more Historians only for load distribution in really, really big applications.
The HDV (trend window) gives a quick graph. The various reports give you numbers. Lots of other tools and opportunities for customization. Three hours or more will be devoted to this topic during the week.
How you know that things have gone wrong. Have a value of 1 or 0, which means that they can be used as monitors or triggers. Lots and lots of ways to customize.
Built-in privileges control who can do what VTS-stuff. Add your own privileges to stop people from seeing your stuff or pressing your buttons. Account == who. Role == job description. Privilege == what you can or can’t do. Rule == where you can or can’t do it.